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Polish Studies (1-KRK-FPOL-D3)

(in Polish: Filologia Polska)
Daily studies, 3 years
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Licencjat z filologii polskiej

Access to further studies:

possibility to apply for admission to MA (2nd-level) studies

Professional status:

5.2. the graduate receives education in general humanities, which constitutes the context enriching and expanding philologist knowledge and skills, as well as specialized education – in Polish philology – covering the basic detailed knowledge of literary studies and linguistics, research and communication skills, as well as social competences necessary to plan his/her own career. 5.3. The graduate receives vocational background with regard to the completed specialty: elementary school teacher of Polish; SLP teacher with credentials in conducting speech correction courses as part of correction and compensation units, and in SLP therapy conducted under the supervision of a qualified SLP therapist in disorders more severe than dyslalia.

Teaching standards

2. Learning outcomes for the course Polish Philology approwed pursuant to the resolution 147/2008-2012 of the UO Senate on 26 IV 2012. Programme of studies as definined by the Resolution of the Faculty Board of Philology on 12 IV 2012.
2.1. The canon of Polish philology: A. The basic modules, B. Specialization modules, C. Elective modules, D. Other obligatory modules;
2.2. Optional courses: the student, within the studies, selects 5 courses beyond the curriculum, as well as specialized courses in the option for 1, 2 or 3 ECTS points, in the quantity necessary to obtain the points required in the particular semesters, to the sum of 30 ECTS points.
2.3. The canon of specializations;
3. Details concerning the program, as well as the individual achievements, the obtained grades/credit points (ECTS). The condition for passing the subject is obtaining a positive grade for classes planned in the curriculum. The condition of approval for examination is obtaining a positive grade for classes planned in the curriculum. The student has to write a bachelor's thesis by the end of the 6th semester, and then present it with a positive result in front of the Commission of the Faculty during the bachelor's examination. The bachelor's examination consists of two parts: examination related to specialized knowledge from the studies and defense of the bachelor's thesis. The final grade on the diploma constitutes: ½ - the arithmetic mean of the examination grades and passing grades entered to the student index book, ¼ - the bachelor's thesis grade, ¼ - the diploma examination grade. Graduating the studies requires 180 ECTS points (30 points in each semester).

Learning outcomes

has basic knowledge about the place and importance of Polish philology in the system of sciences, as well as its specific objective and methodological nature; has basic knowledge about the connections of Polish philology with other scientific disciplines, including: culture sciences, anthropology, philosophy, history, mass media science, art history; knows the basic terminology of these disciplines; is familiar with the most important definitions of culture, as well as the typologies of cultures, distinguishes attributive and distributive understanding of human culture; is familiar with the basic methods of analysis and interpretation of the products of culture;
has organized knowledge about the sources for the European culture, including Polish; understands the relations of the Polish culture with the ancient, Christian and early Slavic culture; understands the main linguistic notions and terms developed by various subdisciplines of diachronic and synchronic linguistics; has organized methodological knowledge related to linguistic research and is familiar with the most important achievements of contemporary linguistics; has organized, detailed knowledge within the scope of: descriptive grammar, lexicology and lexicography, proper culture of expression, varieties of Polish language, text stylistics and history of Polish language; is familiar with the basic methods of linguistic, stylistic, pragmatic, genealogic analysis of various types of texts; differentiates language in terms of function, territory and society in the synchronic and diachronic perspective; is aware of the organized and hierarchical nature of language, recognizes the individual units of language, describes on the basis of knowledge of the system; is familiar with the variants of the contemporary linguistic standard, as well as the principles of correct and effective communication, consistent with the ethical and aesthetic standard;
is well-oriented in the most important general tendencies of development of contemporary languages, especially the Polish language; is able to recognize and describe the most important historical language changes at the level of grammar, lexis and text, is aware of historical variability of language; understands the relations between: literature – man – language – world – text;
has organized knowledge about the determinants of literary quality of a text; has organized, detailed knowledge about literary communication and genealogy of literary texts; knows the basic theoretic literary terminology within the scope of poems and theory of literary work in the synchronic perspective; has organized, detailed knowledge within the scope of stylistics, versology and composition of literary work;
knows the basic notions and research tools of anthropology of literature, history and theory of literature, including methods of literary-historical analysis and interpretation of texts; has organized general knowledge about literature and culture of the subsequent literary epochs, including the most important trends, conventions, forms and genres of literature; is able to compare the Polish literature and culture to the European; is familiar with the canon of Polish literature from the Middle Ages to the contemporary times, as well as the most important works of the world's literature; is familiar with the works of the most important writers;
has knowledge about the contexts: biographical, historical, philosophical and socio-political of literary works created in subsequent periods; has organized knowledge about the historically shaped aesthetics (including: Classicism, Sentimentalism, Romanticism, Realism, Symbolism, Expressionism, Surrealism);
has fundamental knowledge about the connections between literature and other forms of art (theatre, fine art, music, architecture, and in the case of contemporary literature, also film and new media); has basic knowledge about cultural institutions and good orientation in contemporary cultural life; is familiar with the basic principles concerning intellectual property and copyright protection;
is able to find, analyze, assess, select and use information related to Polish philology and related subjects; uses various sources of scientific knowledge: traditional and modern, in the native language and a foreign language, formulates conclusions and solves research problems on their basis; Has basic research skills: formulates and analyzes the research problem, selects material, methods and research tools; prepares results of research and presents them in an oral and written form (in Polish and in a foreign language); uses scientific style; is able to use substantive argumentation, referring to views of other authors and formulation of conclusions; is able to analyze the systemic-linguistic phenomena, using knowledge about language development and the contemporary Polish language;
is able to analyze, at various angles, representative texts for the particular styles of functional, territorial and social language varieties and literary genres; analyzes and assesses texts (including own texts) in terms of competences: linguistic, communicative and cultural of the author; communicates effectively and according to the linguistic standard – ethical and aesthetic – with the use of various communication channels and techniques;
is able to analyze the connections between Polish literary and cultural texts and the ancient and Christian culture; in the analysis of literary texts, applies tools known from poems and theory of literary work;
is able to analyze literary texts in the anthropological perspective; is able to analyze and interpret literary texts of subsequent epochs, taking into consideration the following aspects: genealogical, aesthetic and linguistic, as well as the historical variability of trends and styles, and the evolution of literary forms; is able to analyze and interpret literary texts from different epochs in the relevant contexts: biographical, historical, philosophical and socio-political; when interpreting the literary text, discovers its linkages with other forms of art;
uses the selected foreign language at level B2;
Social competences:
is aware of his/her level knowledge and skills, makes self-assessment of his/her own competences, understands the need for continuous supplementary education and personal development, defines the directions of self- development, develops cognitive curiosity; organizes own learning process and determines the priorities for implementation of the designated tasks; is independent and critical in the expressed assessments and views; ethically and responsibly approaches the tasks performed by him/her;
cooperates and works in a group, assuming various roles therein; assumes an attitude of openness and tolerance towards other cultures and people with different worldviews; is aware that language and literature are parts of cultural heritage, which should be protected, notices their role in shaping national and European identity; appreciates the importance of tradition and cultural heritage; is aware of the importance of the level of linguistic and communicative competence for correctness and effectiveness of discourse, especially in the public sphere; actively participates in various forms of cultural life; applies the principles of intellectual property and copyright protection;

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.uni.opole.pl