Philology - Romance philology from the basics (1-PRK-F-FRP-D3)(in Polish: Filologia - Filologia romańska od podstaw) | |
bachelor's degree studies full time, 3 years Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólnyOpis Romanistyka na UO
Czego uczy się na filologii romańskiej od podstaw?
Translatoryka i akwizycja
Program studiów gwarantuje zdobycie bardzo dobrej znajomości języka francuskiego, dzięki dużej ilości godzin praktycznej nauki języka (na studiach licencjackich ponad 700). Z pełnym programem studiów można zapoznać się tutaj. Co wyróżnia filologię romańską od podstaw na UO?
Inne atuty specjalności
Możliwości rozwoju, wyjazdów, stypendiów
Co można robić po tych studiach?
Kontynuowanie nauki na II stopniu studiów Absolwent studiów I stopnia na kierunku Filologia romańska od podstaw może kontynuować naukę na następujących kierunkach studiów II stopnia prowadzonych na Uniwersytecie Opolskim: Filologia romańska. Szczegółowe informacje Szczegółowe informacje o studiach na kierunku Filologia romańska od podstaw można uzyskać w sekretariacie Katedry Kultury i Jezyka Francuskiego: |
Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Professional status:
Teaching standards
Full qualification at the sixth level of the Polish Qualification Framework
The graduate of the Philology programme knows:
- at an advanced level – selected facts, objects and phenomena of language and connected methods and linguistic theories explaining complex dependencies between them, forming the basic general knowledge in the field of philology, forming its theoretical basis, and selected issues of the detailed knowledge of linguistics.
- the place and significance of philological science among humanities and social sciences, its nature and its methodological difference and the directions of its development.
- theories, methodology and general and detailed terminology of linguistics
- methods of analysis and interpretation of texts and culture products from selected traditions, theories and research schools in linguistics (with the possibility of associating them with methods specific to literary studies, cultural studies and communication sciences)
- fundamental dilemmas of modern philology in terms of its research and application for solving social problems
- the basic economic, legal and other considerations, and concepts connected with philological research and its application
- rules of the protection of intellectual and industrial copyright and the form of development of individual entrepreneurship
- principles of the operation of systems and institutions relevant to the scope of the professional activity appropriate for philology (inter alia, educational, cultural, media, translation, or business support)
The graduate of the Philology programme can:
- use their philological knowledge
- formulate and solve complex and unusual problems concerning the use of language and linguistic knowledge, and perform tasks in conditions not fully predictable by: - proper selection of sources and information derived from them, assess, critical analysis and synthesis of information, - selection and application of appropriate methods and tools, including advanced information and communication technologies (ICTs)
- formulate and analyse research problems, choose methods and tools for solving them, using knowledge of Linguistics (with the possibility of taking into account the knowledge of related sciences)
- recognize texts and other creations of culture and carry out their critical analysis and interpretation with the use of standard philological methods allowing for an assessment of their relevance and impact in the historical and cultural process.
- communicate with the use of specialist terminology for the language description
- take part in a debate - present and evaluate different opinions and positions in terms of philology and discuss them
- use a foreign language at the level of at least C1 of the Common European Framework for Languages
- plan and organize individual and team work
- independently plan and carry out their own learning throughout life
- use the knowledge and experience related to the chosen philology speciality
The graduate of the Philology programme is ready to:
- critically assess their philological knowledge and recognition of the importance of knowledge of the language in solving cognitive and practical problems.
- fulfil social obligations, co-organise actions for social environment, initiate actions for public interest, and think and act resourcefully.
- responsibly exercise their professional roles, including: - compliance with the rules of professional ethics and require it from others, and care about the tradition and achievements of the profession
- participate in cultural life and use its various forms
- function competently, responsibly and ethically in the area defined by the selected philological speciality