Islam in Europe - the ways to integration 5.DWZ.02
The lecture is intended to help assess the growing problem of Islamic presence in Europe dominated by a number of negative fears. In the press and in socio-political discourse, the next wave of emigration/refugees is associated, among other things, with terrorism, increased crime, fear of unemployment, demographic domination, the Islamisation of the continent and epidemiological threats. When the entire European population grew from 548 million in 1950 to 744 million in 2020 - the proportion of Muslims in Europe increased from 2% in 1950 to 6% in 2020 . Projections indicate that in 2050 almost one in three people in Western Europe will be Muslim. In Western Europe alone, 15% of the population will be followers of the Prophet Mohammed. In the light of such forecasts, concerns are being raised as to whether Europe will turn into Eurabia, where the migration crisis will result in the successive Islamisation of the Old Continent. Another scenario assumes that Islamic newcomers can demographically support an "ageing" Europe. Methods of harmonious integration will be indicated, which may result in cooperation between Christian Europe and Muslims. In view of the existing differences, the challenge facing the countries of the Old Continent is to develop a coherent integration policy as soon as possible. As there are various integration policies in Europe, it would be possible to draw on existing solutions, avoiding those that are flawed and focusing on those that have produced positive results. It should not be forgotten, however, that for integration to be successful, it requires willingness and effort on the part not only of those arriving but also of those receiving them. Integration is a process that is primarily about building relationships between people.
Supplementary literature
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Interest in the perspectives of interreligious relations and their socio-political and religious-confessional impact on the problems of refugees and emigration in 21st century Europe is important for the realisation of the course.
It would be beneficial if the participants, before starting the course, had some basic knowledge of existing geopolitical problems in Europe and their reception in interreligious relations and socio-political impact.
Assessment criteria
Didactic methods
- Text analysis with multimedia presentation
B. Forms of assessment
- active attendance in class + pass/fail thesis
C. Basic criteria
Credit work - 50% 2.
Knowledge of the assigned reading - 20% 3.
3 Knowledge presented in class - 30%
Practical placement
Lack of
Allievi S., Nielsen J., Muslim networks and transnational communities in and across Europe, Leiden–Boston: Brill 2003.
Appleby J.K., Papież imigrantów, tłum. J. Mikuczewski, [dostęp: 11 IV 2020].
Bracewell M., Gilbert & George – Scapegoating. Pictures for London, London: White Cube 2013.
Dassetto F., La rencontre complexe. Occidents et islams, Louvain-la-Neuve: Académia 2004.
Dassetto F., The Task That Awaits Us, „Oasis” 28 (2018), p. 7–13.
Europol, Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2019 (TE-SAT), [dostęp: 21 III 2020].
Evans J., Baronavski Ch., How do European countries differ in religious commitment, [dostęp: 1 II 2020].
Galland O., Les jeunes français ont-ils raison d’avoir peur?, Paris: Armand Colin 2009.
Galland O., Les jeunes, „Questions de Communication” 18 (2010), p. 298–300.
Garner S., Selod S., The Racialization of Muslims: Empirical Studies of Islamophobia, „Critical Sociology” 41 (2015), no 1, p. 9–19.
Grzybowski P., Edukacja międzykulturowa – przewodnik, Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls 2010.
Huntington S., Zderzenie cywilizacji, tłum. H. Jankowska, Warszawa: WWL Muza.
Kepel G., Jihad. Expansion et déclin de l’islamisme, Paris: Gallimard 2000.
Kepel G., Passion arabe, Paris: Gallimard 2013.
Kepel G., Terreur dans l’Hexagone, Genèse du djihad français, Paris: Gallimard 2015.
Kettani H., Muslim Population in Europe: 1950–2020, „International Journal of Environmental Science and Development” 2 (2010), no 1, p. 154–164.
Khawaja M.A., The Arab Time Capsule- Once You Were the Leaders of Islamic Civilization, [dostęp: 21 III 2020].
Lamiat S., Charlie Hebdo: Classmates protest innocence of suspect Hamyd Mourad, 18, with school alibi, „Independent”, 8 I 2008 r., [dostęp: 9 I 2008].
Lewis B., What Went Wrong? The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East, (Co się właściwie stało? O kontaktach Zachodu ze światem islamu), tłum. J. Kozłowska, Warszawa: Dialog 2003.
Liedel K., Piasecka P., Terroryzm wczoraj i dziś, Warszawa: PWN 2015.
Maréchal B., Nielsen J., Dassetto F., Muslim in the Enlarged Europe: Religion and Society,Leiden: Brill 2003.
Nielsen J., Muslims in Western Europe, Edinburgh: University Press 2004.
Parzymies A. (red.), Islam a terroryzm, Warszawa: Dialog 2015.
Parzymies A. (red.), Muzułmanie w Europie, Warszawa 2005.
Rabiej S., Migration Crisis in Europe – Myths and Reality, „Studia Oecumenica” 19 (2019), p. 413–426.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: