Family and guardianship law 9.7.Z-PRE
Family and guardianship law is a set of legal norms regulating property and non-property relations between spouses and relatives, relations resulting from guardianship, care and adoption. The main source of family and guardianship law is the Family and Guardianship Code of 1964. The legal bases of the regulation of this area of law also result from the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, other acts and international law. Each issue is discussed on the basis of case studies, which students solve independently during classes or as part of tasks to be performed.
The following issues are discussed during the course:
a) The rules of family law
b) Systematics of family law
c) The role of the guardianship court and its subsidiary organs
d) Issues of marriage, establishing the non-existence of marriage, legal grounds for annulment of marriage
e) Property and non-property rights and obligations of spouses
f) Property relations between spouses
g) Termination of marriage and separation - material and procedural issues
h) The origin of the child
i) Parental authority and contacts with the child (creation of parental authority, content, means of court interference in the scope of parental authority, the possibility of decisions on parental authority in the divorce judgment)
j) Maintenance obligation, maintenance claims, benefits from the Maintenance Fund
k) Adoption (types and effects of adoption, prerequisites for adoption, secrecy of adoption, adoption solution, procedural issues)
l) Care and guardianship
Supplementary literature
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Educational outcomes:
EK1: knows the rules of family law and has the ability to apply them
EK2: knows the systematics of legal acts in the field of family law
EK3: knows and understands the structure and manner of operation of legal institutions in the field of family law, as well as relations between these institutions
EK4: has the ability to describe, analyze and solve specific legal issues in the field of family law
EK5: has the skills to design and create oral presentations in the field of family law
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods and criteria:
1. Presence in class
2. Actively perform tasks such as solving case, finding and presenting a selected judgment, analysis of draft amendments to existing regulations, active participation in classes
3. Written test for assessment - test containing closed questions (single and multiple choice), open questions, case studies.
Practical placement
Not applicable.
1. T.Smyczyński, Prawo rodzinne i opiekuńcze , Wyd. C.H.Beck 2018
2. A.Zieliński, Prawo rodzinne i opiekuńcze w zarysie, Wyd. Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2011
3. M. Andrzejewski, Prawo rodzinne i opiekuńcze, Wyd. C.H.Beck 2014
Legal acts:
1. Ustawa z dnia 25 lutego 1964r. Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy (Dz.U.2017.682 t.j.)
2. Ustawa z dnia 17 listopada 1964r. Kodeks postępowania cywilnego (Dz.U.2018.1360 t.j.)
3. Ustawa z dnia 24 kwietnia 1964r. Kodeks cywilny ( Dz.U.2018.1025 t.j. )
4. Ustawa z dnia 28 listopada 2014r. Prawo o aktach stanu cywilnego (Dz.U.2018.2224 t.j.)
5. Ustawa z dnia 7 września 2007r. o pomocy osobom uprawnionym do alimentów (Dz.U.2018.554 t.j.)
6. Ustawa z dnia 9 czerwca 2011r. o wspieraniu rodziny i systemie pieczy zastępczej (Dz.U.2018.998 t.j.)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: