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Applied linguistics (1-PRK-LS-S.L.3)

(in Polish: Lingwistyka stosowana)
bachelor's degree studies
Daily/Stationary (Full time), 3 years
Language: English, Chinese, Polish

 Czego uczy się na kierunku Lingwistyka stosowana?

Studia wyposażają absolwenta w sprofilowane zawodowo kompetencje językowe, komunikacyjne oraz interkulturowe, podbudowane wiedzą o realiach kulturowych krajów, z którymi związane są studiowane języki.

W trakcie studiów absolwent nabędzie znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie C1) oraz coraz bardziej przydatnego języka chińskiego od podstaw na poziomie płynnej komunikatywności (B2). 

Działalność studencka

Studenci kierunku Lingwistyka stosowana mają szansę rozwoju pasji i zainteresowań w ramach organizacji studenckich. Są to przede wszystkim koła naukowe m.in.: Koło Naukowe Staropolskie „Gryf”, Koło Naukowe Literatury i Kultury Modernizmu, Koło Literatury Współczesnej, Koło Naukowe Onomastów, Koło Naukowe Teatrologów, Koło Naukowe Kulturoznawców.

Studenci mają możliwość wyjazdu na stypendia do innych ośrodków naukowych (także uczelni zagranicznych) w ramach programu Erasmus oraz MOST. Najaktywniejsi studenci otrzymują stypendia naukowe, mogą też wybrać indywidualny plan studiów (IPS) bądź indywidualną organizację studiów (IOS), w ramach których student ma możliwość pracowania pod bezpośrednią opieką pracownika naukowego.

Możliwość udziału w prężnie działającym ruchu studenckim oraz praktyki w rozmaitych placówkach i instytucjach kulturalnych zapewniają doświadczenie potrzebne w przyszłej pracy zawodowej.

Sylwetka absolwenta

Absolwent studiów I stopnia uzyskuje tytuł zawodowy licencjata lingwistyki stosowanej i jest przygotowany do organizowania pracy, podejmowania samodzielnych decyzji, kompetentnej obsługi petentów oraz prowadzenia spraw instytucji.

Absolwenci Lingwistyki stosowanej znajdują zatrudnienie m.in. w:

  • szkołach językowych,
  • różnego typu przedsiębiorstwach,
  • instytucjach międzynarodowej integracji gospodarczej.

Kontynuowanie nauki na II stopniu studiów

Absolwent studiów I stopnia na kierunku Lingwistyka stosowana może kontynuować naukę (II stopień) na kierunkach: Filologia angielska, Filologia polska i kierunkach sprofilowanych kulturoznawczo (np. Digital Cultures).

Kierunek w pełni dostępny dla osób ze szczególnymi potrzebami.

Szczegółowe informacje okierunku

Wydział Filologiczny




Więcej informacji dla kandydatów zagranicznych i osób posiadających zagraniczne dokumenty na stronie hello.uni.opole.pl

Pytania odnośnie rekrutacji cudzoziemców: hello@uni.opole.pl

tel. +48 77 452 7496,      +48 77 452 7292

Kandydaci zagraniczni dokumenty składają w International Students Office (również przesłanych pocztą)

adres: ul. Grunwaldzka 31, pok. 1, 8,9  45-054 m. Opole 

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Licencjat z Lingwistyka stosowana

Access to further studies:

The first-cycle studies prepare graduates for further education at the second-cycle studies.

Professional status:

The graduate speaks three languages: Polish, English and Chinese - at levels depending on the candidate's starting level: up to C2 in the case of Polish and C1 in the case of English (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe) and up to the level of fluent communication in Chinese. The studies equip the graduate with profiled linguistic, communicative and intercultural competences, supported by knowledge of the geographical, social, economic and cultural realities of the countries of the studied languages. He/she is able to use general and specialist vocabulary as well as oral and written forms of expression functioning in specific areas of professional life. The graduate of the Polish, English and Chinese in Business module, having at his/her disposal English as an international language and increasingly useful Chinese, is prepared to use his/her language competences in the sphere of business; he/ she is also provided with knowledge and skills related to this sphere of activity. He/she speaks both general varieties of these languages as well as their business specific varieties. He/she knows specialist vocabulary and typical forms of business communication (written and oral) functioning in an enterprise, taking into account cultural characteristics and conditions of intercultural communication. He/she is acquainted with the basics of economic and entrepreneurial knowledge (market economy, international economic integration, contemporary labour market, company organisation and functioning, management and marketing, company finances, human resources, etc.). He/she is familiar with the phenomenon of cultural diversity - different types of cultures, different models of politeness, coexistence, cooperation, negotiations, etc. He/she is open to this diversity and ready to understand it through thorough education and contacts with the representatives of other cultures. Typical employment options include sales representative, organiser of business meetings, negotiator of trade agreements, employee of an institution of international economic integration, employee of media, advertising and PR agencies, etc.). The programme of studies includes 90 hours of internship.

Learning outcomes

Full qualification at level 6 of the Polish Qualifications Framework

Knowledge - the graduate knows:
- at an advanced level selected facts, objects and phenomena of culture and connected literary and linguistic methods and theories explaining complex dependencies between them, forming the basic general knowledge in the field of linguistics with elements of literary studies, culture studies, economics and sociology forming its theoretical basis, and selected issues of the detailed knowledge of Polish, English and Chinese linguistics;
- the place and significance of linguistics among humanities and social and economic sciences, its subject and methodological specificity, and the directions of its development;
- theories, methodology and general and detailed terminology used in linguistics;
- methods of analysing and interpreting cultural texts within the selected traditions, theories and research schools in linguistics (with the possibility of relating them to the methods characteristic of literary studies, cultural studies, economics and social sciences);
- fundamental dilemmas of contemporary culture and civilisation in terms of studying them and applying them to solving social problems;
- the basic economic, legal and other considerations, and concepts connected with linguistic research;
- rules of intellectual property protection and copyright, and forms of individual entrepreneurship;
- development; principles of the operation of cultural systems and institutions appropriate to the scope of professional activity relevant to linguistics;
- contents related to the elective module.

Skills - the graduate can:
- use their knowledge of linguistics and solve complex and unusual problems related to contemporary culture, language, and literature phenomena;
- formulate and analyse research problems, choose methods and tools for solving them, using knowledge of linguistics (with the possibility of taking into account the knowledge of related disciplines);
- recognize literary texts and language phenomena and carry out their critical analysis and interpretation with the use of standard methods used in linguistics, allowing for an assessment of their relevance and impact in the historical and cultural process.
- communicate using specialist terminology for describing cultural texts;
- take part in a debate - present and evaluate different opinions and standpoints on cultural phenomena and discuss them;
- use English language at level C1;
- plan and organise his/her work both individually and in a team;
- independently plan and implement their own life learning;
- use Chinese language at level C1;
- use the knowledge and experience related to the elective module.

Social competences: the graduate is ready to:
- critically assess his/her knowledge of linguistics, and recognise the importance of knowledge of literature, language and culture in solving cognitive practical problems:
- fulfil social obligations, co-organise actions for social environment, initiate actions for public interest, think and act resourcefully;
- responsibly exercise professional roles, including: respect the rules of professional ethics and require others to comply with them;
- observe the achievements and traditions of the profession; participate in cultural life and make use of its various forms;
- function competently, responsibly and ethically in the area defined by the elective module.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.uni.opole.pl