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Midwifery (14-PRK-PO-S.M.2)

(in Polish: Położnictwo, II stopień, 2-letnie, stacjonarne)
M.A. degree
full-time, 2 years
Language: Polish

Kształcenie na studiach drugiego stopnia mogą podejmować osoby, które ukończyły studia pierwszego stopnia na kierunku położnictwo i legitymują się tytułem zawodowym licencjat położnictwa.

Czego uczy się na kierunku położnictwo

1. W zakresie wiedzy posiada:

  • zaawansowaną wiedzę z zakresu położnictwa i innych nauk medycznych.

2. W zakresie umiejętności potrafi:

  • rozwiązywać problemy zawodowe (szczególnie związane z podejmowaniem decyzji w sytuacjach trudnych), wynikających ze specyfiki zadań zawodowych i warunków ich realizacji; indywidualnego i niepowtarzalnego charakteru zachowań kobiety i mężczyzny wobec poczęcia i narodzin dziecka oraz indywidualnego charakteru zachowań kobiety przed i po zabiegu operacyjnym na narządach płciowych,
  •     określać standardy profesjonalnej opieki w fizjologicznym i patologicznym przebiegu ciąży, porodu i połogu, opieki nad kobietą zagrożoną chorobą i chorą ginekologicznie w każdym wieku i stanie zdrowia oraz wdrażać je do praktyki zawodowej,
  •     prowadzić badania naukowe na rzec z rozwoju zawodu - wiedzy i praktyki położniczej, podnoszenia jakości opieki położniczej, prowadzenia wymiany informacji oraz upowszechniania uzyskanych wyników dla rozwoju pielęgniarstwa i opieki położniczo-neonatologiczno-ginekologicznej,
  •     organizować i nadzorować opiekę położniczo-ginekologiczną i pielęgniarską, z uwzględnieniem przyjętych teorii i koncepcji opieki położniczej,
  •     organizować pracę podwładnych i własną zgodnie z obowiązującymi normami prawnymi, przy zabezpieczeniu interesów pacjentów, pracowników i organizacji,
  •     wykorzystywać przepisy prawne w działalności zawodowej oraz stosować je w praktyce w zarządzaniu organizacją, jej częścią lub zespołem pracowniczych (pielęgniarek i położnych),
  •     opracowywać założenia polityki kadrowej oraz planu zatrudniania położnych odpowiednio do strategii i zapotrzebowania pacjentów na opiekę położniczą,
  •     opracowywać i wdrażać do praktyki zawodowej standardy opieki, narzędzia monitorowania i oceny jakości opieki położniczej,
  •     dokonywać doboru i stosować określone metody, techniki organizatorskie i techniki zarządzania w badaniu, rozwiązywaniu problemów organizacyjnych i usprawnianiu podsystemu pielęgniarstwa w zakresie opieki położniczej,
  •     dokonywać doboru optymalnych i stosować wybrane metody nauczania i uczenia się, w zależności od specyfiki treści nauczania, celu, który należy osiągnąć oraz grupy odbiorców,
  •     przygotowywać i prowadzić edukację zdrowotną wybranego środowiska dydaktyczno-wychowawczego, z uwzględnieniem potrzeb społeczności lokalnych,
  •     realizować proces kształcenia położnych na wszystkich poziomach kształcenia i doskonalenia zawodowego - po ukończeniu specjalności nauczycielskiej (zgodnie ze standardami kształcenia przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela).

3. W zakresie kompetencji społecznych:

  •     przejawia odpowiedzialność za udział w podejmowaniu decyzji zawodowych,
  •     okazuje szacunek dla różnic światopoglądowych i kulturowych,
  •     rozwiązuje dylematy etyczne w organizacji pracy własnej i zespołu,
  •     przestrzega praw autorskich i praw podmiotu badań,
  •     przejawia odpowiedzialność za bezpieczeństwo własne i osób powierzonych opiece,
  •     przestrzega zasad etyki zawodowej w relacji z pacjentem, zespołem terapeutycznym i w pracy badawczej,
  •     dba o wizerunek własnego zawodu.

Czas trwania studiów

  •  4 semestry,
  • plan studiów obejmuje 1505 godzin, w tym 700 godzin zajęć praktycznych i praktyk zawodowych.

Absolwenci po ukończeniu kierunku otrzymują tytuł zawodowy: magister


Więcej informacji dla kandydatów zagranicznych i osób posiadających zagraniczne dokumenty na stronie hello.uni.opole.pl

Pytania odnośnie rekrutacji cudzoziemców: hello@uni.opole.pl

tel. +48 77 452 7496,      +48 77 452 7292

Kandydaci zagraniczni dokumenty składają w International Students Office (również przesłanych pocztą)

adres: ul. Grunwaldzka 31, pok. 1, 8,9  45-054 m. Opole 

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Magisterium z Położnictwa

Access to further studies:

Third Cycle (Doctoral) Programme, post-graduate Studies

Professional status:

In terms of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands specialist issues in midwifery, neonatology, gynaecology, gynaecological oncology, ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynaecology and methodology of scientific research. In terms of skills the graduate is able to: solve professional problems, especially those related to decision-making in difficult situations arising from the specific nature of the professional activities undertaken and the conditions of their implementation; conduct scientific research and disseminate its results; apply relevant legal regulations in professional activities; develop guidelines for personnel policy appropriate to the demand of patients for midwifery, obstetrics-neonatology and gynaecology care; apply organisational and managerial methods and techniques in examining and solving organisational problems and in improving the professional practice of the midwife; plan their own educational activities and continually update their knowledge; define standards of professional midwifery care in the pre-conceptive and perinatal periods, midwifery care for women at risk of illness and for women with gynaecological illnesses, and women at different life stages and in different states of health, and implement them in the professional practice of the midwife; perform basic ultrasound examinations of the abdominal and pelvic organs and of low-risk pregnancies, and preliminary evaluate and describe the results of these examinations; develop and implement health education programmes, including lactation counselling; conduct therapeutic education of women at different periods of their lives and in different states of health; independently provide specific specialist services in the field of care of pregnant women, women in labour and postpartum period, patients with diabetes and tumour diseases of reproductive organs and breasts in different stages of these diseases, as well as specialist services in the field of acute and chronic pain therapy; prescribe selected medical products, special nutritional agents and medical products, including issuing prescriptions or orders for them. In terms of social competences, the graduate is prepared to: critically evaluate their own actions and those of their colleagues, respecting the differences in world views and cultures; formulate opinions on various aspects of professional activity and seek expert advice when facing difficulties in solving problems on their own; show concern for the prestige associated with the profession of a midwife, and professional solidarity; show concern for their own safety, that of their surroundings and colleagues; solve complex ethical problems associated with the practice of the profession of a midwife, and indicate priorities in the performance of professional activities; take responsibility for the delivery of health services; demonstrate a professional attitude towards the marketing strategies of the pharmaceutical industry and advertising its products. In accordance with the learning outcomes set out in the educational standards for second-cycle studies in midwifery in line with the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 26 July 2019 on the educational standards preparing to practice the profession of physician, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1573) , as well as in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 28 February 2017 on the type and scope of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services provided by a nurse or midwife independently without a doctor's order (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 497), and in accordance with the Act of 15 July 2011 on nursing and midwifery (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 20174, as amended), within the framework of independent performance of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services, a nurse and a midwife holding a second-cycle degree diploma in nursing or midwifery and a nurse and a midwife holding a specialist title in nursing are entitled to prescribe drugs containing specific active substances, excluding drugs containing very potent substances, intoxicants and psychotropic substances, and substances for special nutritional purposes, including issuing prescriptions for them; prescribe specified medical products, including issuing orders or prescriptions for them - if they have completed a specialist course in this field. The graduate completed coursework preparing them to communicate and analyse medical literature in English at Level B2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in accordance with the educational standards set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 26 July 2019 on educational standards preparing to practise the professions of doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1573).

Teaching standards

As of 1 October 2018, teaching outcomes became learning outcomes - Act of 3 July 2018. - Legislation introducing the Act - Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 742 as amended). The learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences leading to a full qualification at level seven of the Polish Qualification Framework are in line with the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the standards of education preparing for the profession of doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic of 26 July 2019 (Journal of Laws 2021, item 775) and defined by the Resolution No. 99/2020-2024 of the Senate of the University of Opole of 27 May 2021 on the amendment of the study curriculum of the second-cycle programme in Midwifery at the UO. The student is obliged to achieve all the assumed learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences included in the study curriculum, which is confirmed by the appropriate course/module credit (pass/fail, pass with a grade, exam). In order to obtain credit for a semester, the student needs to obtain passes in all courses/modules included in the programme of studies for a given semester in accordance with the passing requirements and assessment criteria applicable to a given course/module and specified in the programme of studies. In the course of the last year of studies the student must write a diploma thesis, which after being positively assessed by the supervisor and the reviewer allows him/her to take the diploma exam. Passing the diploma examination is a prerequisite for graduation. The diploma examination is a theoretical exam (oral form), and its course is in compliance with the current Rules of Study at the UO and the Regulation No. 81/2021 of the Rector of the University of Opole of 17.05.2021 on rules for preparing and archiving diploma theses (Master's, Bachelor's and Engineer's theses) at the University of Opole. In the course of the study, the graduate completed a total of 1326 didactic hours, including 1126 hours of theoretical training and 200 hours of practical training (clinical training within the meaning of Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications) in:
- public and non-public health care institutions of in-patient and out-patient treatment (including primary health care);
- nurseries;
- universities and post-secondary schools of medical profile.

Learning outcomes

As of 1 October 2018, teaching outcomes became learning outcomes - Act of 3 July 2018. - Legislation introducing the Act - Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 742 as amended). The learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences leading to a full qualification at level seven of the Polish Qualification Framework are in line with the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the standards of education preparing for the profession of doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic of 26 July 2019 (Journal of Laws 2021, item 775) and defined by the Resolution No. 99/2020-2024 of the Senate of the University of Opole of 27 May 2021 on the amendment of the study curriculum of the second-cycle programme in Midwifery at the UO. The student is obliged to achieve all the assumed learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences included in the study curriculum, which is confirmed by the appropriate course/module credit (pass/fail, pass with a grade, exam). In order to obtain credit for a semester, the student needs to obtain passes in all courses/modules included in the programme of studies for a given semester in accordance with the passing requirements and assessment criteria applicable to a given course/module and specified in the programme of studies. In the course of the last year of studies the student must write a diploma thesis, which after being positively assessed by the supervisor and the reviewer allows him/her to take the diploma exam. Passing the diploma examination is a prerequisite for graduation. The diploma examination is a theoretical exam (oral form), and its course is in compliance with the current Rules of Study at the UO and the Regulation No. 81/2021 of the Rector of the University of Opole of 17.05.2021 on rules for preparing and archiving diploma theses (Master's, Bachelor's and Engineer's theses) at the University of Opole. In the course of the study, the graduate completed a total of 1306 didactic hours, including 1106 hours of theoretical training and 200 hours of practical training (clinical training within the meaning of Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications) in:
- public and non-public health care institutions of in-patient and out-patient treatment (including primary health care);
- nurseries;
- universities and post-secondary schools of medical profile.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.uni.opole.pl