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German studies (1-PRK-FG-D3)

(in Polish: Germanistik)
bachelor's degree studies
full time, 3 years
Language: German

Informacje ogólne

Studia na kierunku Germanistik dostosowane są do realnych potrzeb rynku pracy, a jednocześnie spełniają oczekiwania i zainteresowania studiujących. Wysoko wykwalifikowana kadra naukowo-dydaktyczna zapewnia studentom odpowiedni poziom nauczania i pomaga zdobywać im wykształcenie, dzięki któremu są  konkurencyjni na trudnym rynku pracy. Studenci mają możliwość podniesienia kompetencji językowych, uzyskują przygotowanie ogólnohumanistyczne, pogłębiają wiedzę o języku niemieckim, realiach, kulturze i historii krajów niemieckiego obszaru językowego. Studenci zdobywają kompetencje ukierunkowane na dany zawód: np. tłumacza, opiekuna klienta niemieckojęzycznego czy nauczyciela

Czego uczy się na germanistyce?

Od drugiego semestru studenci kierunku Germanistik poza obligatoryjnymi przedmiotami z kanonu filologicznego mają możliwość dokonania wyboru spośród następujących modułów tematycznych zgodnie z własnymi preferencjami:

TRANSLATORIK - moduł przedmiotów translatorycznych, przygotowujących w sposób szczególny do wykonywania zawodu tłumacza; studenci zdobywają praktyczne umiejętności z zakresu przekładu tekstów ogólnych, literackich i specjalistycznych, tłumaczeń pisemnych i ustnych (a vista i konsekutywnych)

DEUTSCH IN RECHT UND WIRTSCHAFT - moduł "język niemiecki w prawie i gospodarce" umożliwiający zdobycie podstawowej wiedzy w obrębie wybranych zagadnień z dziedziny prawa i ekonomii oraz praktycznej znajomości języka niemieckiego w rejestrach specjalistycznych prawniczym i ekonomicznym

Działalność studencka

Co wyróżnia germanistykę na UO?

  • kształcimy na najwyższym uniwersyteckim poziomie
  • angażujemy studentów w projekty naukowe
  • dopasowujemy programy studiów do potrzeb nowoczesnego rynku pracy
  • traktujemy studentów po partnersku
  • umożliwiamy wyjazdy zagraniczne i praktyki (stypendia, kursy językowe, wyjazdy studyjne)
  • współpracujemy z placówkami oświatowymi w regionie (licea, gimnazja i przedszkola)
  • animujemy studentów do udziału w licznych szkoleniach
  • wspieramy działalność Koła Naukowego Germanistów
  • zapewniamy naszym studentom kontakt z największymi osobowościami świata kultury i nauki
  • współpracujemy z zagranicznymi ośrodkami germanistycznymi
  • w uzasadnionych przypadkach umożliwiamy studentom studiowanie wg indywidualnej organizacji studiów (IOS)
  • dysponujemy bogato wyposażoną biblioteką

Sylwetka absolwenta

Studia I stopnia trwają trzy lata (6 semestrów). Na podstawie złożonego egzaminu licencjackiego absolwenci uzyskują tytuł licencjata germanistyki i posiadają kompetencje językowe na poziomie C1 Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego Rady Europy.

 Kontynuowanie nauki na studiach II stopnia

Po ukończeniu studiów I stopnia absolwenci z tytułem licencjata mogą kontynuować naukę na studiach drugiego stopnia na kierunku GERMANISTIK.

Kierunek w pełni dostępny dla osób ze szczególnymi potrzebami.

Szczegółowe informacje o kierunku

Wydział Filologiczny




Więcej informacji dla kandydatów zagranicznych i osób posiadających zagraniczne dokumenty na stronie hello.uni.opole.pl
Pytania odnośnie rekrutacji cudzoziemców: hello@uni.opole.pl
tel. +48 77 452 7496,      +48 77 452 7292
Kandydaci zagraniczni dokumenty składają w International Students Office (również przesłanych pocztą)
adres: ul. Grunwaldzka 31, pok. 1, 8,9  45-054 m. Opole  

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Licencjat z filologii germańskiej

Access to further studies:

The qualification allows graduates to continue studying at a Master’s programme (EQF level 7) within German Studies or related majors offered at universities in Poland and abroad.

Professional status:

Graduate has a general humanistic education based on the knowledge of literature, culture and history of German-speaking countries. The graduate’s command of spoken and written German is at C1 Level of CEFR for Languages, with a grasp of specialist terminology related to selected domains. Graduate has an advanced understanding of the relations between language and society, including the identity of local societies and cultures. Having chosen one of the elective (speciality) modules (Deutsch in Recht und Wirtschaft; Translatorik), graduate has specialist knowledge in one of the following fields: language skills and vocabulary applied in law and business, general theoretical rules of formal translation and practical skills in translating texts of different types. The skills acquired enable graduate to seek employment in publishing houses, translation agencies, institutions of culture as well as in service sector that requires an advanced command of German, including specialist terminology, and a knowledge of culture of the German-speaking countries. While studying, the student completed 120 didactic hours (90 clock hours) of vocational practice in domestic or foreign institutions allowing for contact with the language, culture and/or literature of German-speaking countries, the aims of which were to familiarize the student with the professional environment, to develop professional skills and to improve a philologist’s professional workshop.

Teaching standards

Full qualification at the sixth level of the Polish Qualification Framework
Graduate of the major Germanistik, Bachelor’s degree has advanced knowledge of:
- the chosen facts, objects and language, literary, culture and social phenomena related to the German language and culture and the methodology and language theories that explain intricate interdependencies among them, which is a general German philological theoretical knowledge;
- main developmental tendencies of the disciplines important for philological studies;
- methodological and subject-specific issues pertaining to philological sciences, their newest developments and directions of research;
- theories and methodology and terminology applied in the science of language, literature and culture;
- analytical methods used to interpret texts and other products of German culture within chosen theories and research schools in German linguistics;
- fundamental dilemmas in modern German philology pertaining to its research and application to solving social issues;
- economic, legal and various other conditions and concepts in connection with the research carried out in German philology and the application of its results;
- rules of industrial and intellectual property rights and the management of the resources;
- rules of functioning characteristic of the systems and institutions appropriate for the professional activity within German philology (education, culture, media, translations, and business process outsourcing).

Gradate can:
- use the knowledge related to the field of German philology to formulate and solve complicated issues in the use of German in an innovative way, in unexpected situations;
- formulate and analyse research problems, choose tools and methods to solve them, synthesize various ideas and viewpoints basing on the philological knowledge (with possible application of related research fields);
- perform a critical analysis and interpretation of chosen texts and products of culture characteristic of German philology with the application of original methods to evaluate their importance for and impact on the historical and cultural processes;
- communicates, also in a debate, with various circles of interlocutors on specialist topics;
- use German at C1-Level CEFR for Languages;
- assume the leading role in a team,
- plan and perform one’s own and other people’s life-long learning processes.

Graduate is ready to:
- evaluate critically the received knowledge and recognize the importance of linguistic issues while solving cognitive and practical problems;
- fulfil social obligations, inspire and organize activity for social environment, and initiate activity benefitting the public in an enterprising way;
- fulfil professional duties in a responsible way, considering changing social needs, with reference to developing the professional outcome, maintaining the ethos of the industry and developing the rules of professional ethics;
- participate in various forms of cultural life;
- act competently, responsibly and ethically within the field of the chosen academic discipline.

Learning outcomes

Full qualification at the sixth level of the Polish Qualification Framework
Graduate of the major Germanistik, Bachelor’s degree has advanced knowledge of:
- the chosen facts, objects and language, literary, culture and social phenomena related to the German language and culture and the methodology and language theories that explain intricate interdependencies among them, which is a general German philological theoretical knowledge;
- main developmental tendencies of the disciplines important for philological studies;
- methodological and subject-specific issues pertaining to philological sciences, their newest developments and directions of research;
- theories and methodology and terminology applied in the science of language, literature and culture;
- analytical methods used to interpret texts and other products of German culture within chosen theories and research schools in German linguistics;
- fundamental dilemmas in modern German philology pertaining to its research and application to solving social issues;
- economic, legal and various other conditions and concepts in connection with the research carried out in German philology and the application of its results;
- rules of industrial and intellectual property rights and the management of the resources;
- rules of functioning characteristic of the systems and institutions appropriate for the professional activity within German philology (education, culture, media, translations, and business process outsourcing).

Gradate can:
- use the knowledge related to the field of German philology to formulate and solve complicated issues in the use of German in an innovative way, in unexpected situations;
- formulate and analyse research problems, choose tools and methods to solve them, synthesize various ideas and viewpoints basing on the philological knowledge (with possible application of related research fields);
- perform a critical analysis and interpretation of chosen texts and products of culture characteristic of German philology with the application of original methods to evaluate their importance for and impact on the historical and cultural processes;
- communicates, also in a debate, with various circles of interlocutors on specialist topics;
- use German at C1-Level CEFR for Languages;
- assume the leading role in a team,
- plan and perform one’s own and other people’s life-long learning processes.

Graduate is ready to:
- evaluate critically the received knowledge and recognize the importance of linguistic issues while solving cognitive and practical problems;
- fulfil social obligations, inspire and organize activity for social environment, and initiate activity benefitting the public in an enterprising way;
- fulfil professional duties in a responsible way, considering changing social needs, with reference to developing the professional outcome, maintaining the ethos of the industry and developing the rules of professional ethics;
- participate in various forms of cultural life;
- act competently, responsibly and ethically within the field of the chosen academic discipline.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.uni.opole.pl