English for Business Sphere 1.2.5-EC-EBS
Course objectives
- get familiar with terminology in English related to business
- get familiar with how chosen business institution function
- develop language skill for communication in a business context
- participate in international student exchange and cooperate in an international group
Course content
The two online lessons: an outline of the aims of the course, FAQ; a workshop on Business Communication.
Lessons in a didactic room: project management, customer care, presentation skills, the art of public speaking, cultural sensitivity and awareness, digital literacy, English language communication training skills; a one-day field trip, preparation of a group project, presentation of projects.
Methods of instruction /forms of classroom activity:
individual work, pair work and group work, presentation, discussion, group project, ICT tools/MSTeams
Kierunek studiów
Nakład pracy studenta
Poziom studiów
Profil kształcenia
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Tryb prowadzenia
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Learning outcomes acc to PQR 2019
Student knows and understands:
1. how to use English language in public communication to persuade, convince, and encourage listeners and potential clients to buy a new product and/or invent in a new product (k_W03/P6S_WG).
2. rules and principles of functioning chosen business institutions (k_W09/P6S_WK).
Student can:
3. take up individual work and also participate in group work with students of mixed nationali-ties developing intercultural communication skills (k-U08/P6S_UO).
4. use multiple tools ethically and responsibly to prepare and give a presentation that aims at persuading a potential client to invest in the presented enterprise (k_U10/P6S_UU).
Social competences
Student is ready to:
5. critically evaluate and solve problems arising during the process of preparing a business plan, an outline of a new firm functioning, and preparing advertisement text in the English language (k_K02/P6S_KK).
6. consciously improve and work on their skills as young and new entrepreneurships in the context of communication competences and cultural sensitivity (k_K06/P6S_KR).
Kryteria oceniania
Forms of evaluation of learning outcomes
1. Taking part in two online workshops (presence) – 20% of the final grade (outcome 1,2,6)
2. Taking part in workshops at Opava University (the Czech Republic) (presence and active participation) – 40% of the final grade (outcome 1,2,3, 4,5,6)
3. Preparing and giving a presentation during the last day of workshops in Opava (for a grade) – 40% the final grade (outcome 1,2,3,4,5,6)
To get a credit students need to pass all the three criteria of evaluation
Pass at 60% of the final grade
Reading materials provided by the instructor
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: