Academic research in Second Language Acquisition 2 1.N2.EP.TTP.AP.23
Course objectives
familiarising the students with research methods used in critical applied linguistics
deepening their knowledge of research methodology applicable to their own research problem
Course content - the depth of the content depends on whether the students are only introduced to the following research methodology concepts or they revise and deepen their knowledge of research methodology in SLA and research skills
1. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
2. Content analysis in educational reserach.
3. Critical Disciourse Analysis in the research of educational materials.
4. Process of the research - main stages.
5. The process of data collecting.
6. Data analysis and interpretation.
7. Description of research results.
Methods of instruction/ forms of classroom activity
extensive reading, essay writing, discussion, ICT tools/MSTeams
Kierunek studiów
Nakład pracy studenta
Poziom studiów
Profil kształcenia
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Semestr, w którym realizowany jest przedmiot
Tryb prowadzenia
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Learning outcomes (PQR 2019)
A student knows and understands
1. in depth analytical and methodological tools used in research within applied linguistics (k_W01/P7S_WG)
2. in depth methods of analysis and interpretation of texts in second language acquisition (k_W04/P7S_WG)
A student can:
3. formulate and analyse research problems, choose methods and tools for solving them using knowledge of applied linguistics (k_U06/P7S_UW)
Social competence
A student is ready to
4. set priorities when carrying out research analysis (k_K01/P7S_KK)
5. critically assess their knowledge (k_K02/P7S_KK )
Kryteria oceniania
Forms of evaluation of learning outcomes
1. Active participation in classes - 45% of the final grade (outcome 1,2,3,4,5)
2. Written assignment of a chosen topic - 55% of the final grade (outcome 1,2,3,4,5)
pass at 60% of the final grade
Reading list:
Ruth Wodak, Michael Meyer Red., Methods of critical discourse analysis, Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2010
Norman Fairclough, Critical discourse analysis: The critical study of language, London: Longman, 1999
Klaus Krippendorff, Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology, Sage Publications, 2019
Lia Litosseliti ed., Research methods in linguistics, London : Bloomsbury, 2017
Supplementary reading:
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
Ellis, R. (2008). The study of second language acquisition. Second edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Więcej informacji
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