Preparation of diploma paper 1.S2.EP.AP.24
Course objectives:
The main objective is finalisation of the process of writing MA thesis and approaching its defence.
Course content:
1. Identifying research objects in the context of current developments in the chosen discipline linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, translation studies
2. Framing research objectives and formulating theses, hypotheses and research questions within the scope of the discipline
3. Doing a literature review in relations to a chosen aspect of theory/methodology/analysis
4. Selecting methods, procedures and analytic tools to match research objectives
5. Reporting on and discussing results in quantitative and qualitative approaches
6. Concluding, identifying implications for further research and limitations of the study
Methods of instruction/ forms of classroom activity:
self-study format, writing, revising, editing, individual work supported by the supervisor
Kierunek studiów
Nakład pracy studenta
Poziom studiów
Profil kształcenia
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Semestr, w którym realizowany jest przedmiot
Tryb prowadzenia
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
W cyklu 2022/23-L: | W cyklu 2023/24-L: | W cyklu 2024/25-L: |
Efekty kształcenia
Learning outcomes acc to PRK 2019:
The student knows and understands:
1. the place and significance of the philological science among humanities and its analytical and methodological tools in reference to their MA thesis (k_W01/P7S_WG
2. expanded formal terminology and theories of linguistic, literary or cultural studies in reference to their MA thesis (k_W02/P7S_WG)
3. the role of English as a cognitive means and a tool used for studying finalised with MA thesis (k_W03/P7S_WG)
4. main trends and achievements within the studied discipline in reference to their MA thesis (k_W05/P7S_WG)
5. an extensive range of details of academic discourse in relation to the studied discipline selected for their MA thesis writing (k_W06/P7S_WG)
6. principles of copyright and its protection in relation to various cultural products, in particular in the field of English philology, when paraphrasing and quoting in their MA thesis (k_W08/P7S_WK)
7. legal, ethical and linguistic considerations of their professional activity resulting from the studied discipline when completing their MA theses (k_W07/P7S_WK)
The student can:
8.use the terminology and take theoretical positions resulting from English studies to complete their MA thesis (k_U01/P7S_UW)
9. refer to arguments and draw logical conclusions using appropriate methods and expended tools, adapting them to the new needs, and also developing them from scratch to complete their MA thesis (k_U03/P7S_UW)
10. independently formulate research problems and use appropriate tools and methods to analyse and discuss them with other specialists in the field of English philology to complete their MA thesis (k_U06/P7S_UK)
11. search for, analyze, select, evaluate and synthesize information related to the selected field of study by consulting various academic and popular sources and tools, including digitalized online repositories (m-U-1/P7S_UW)
12. fluently and accurately communicate in writing the results of their research on selected aspects of a chosen field of study, applying the conventions and coherent style of academic presentation (Proficiency in English/C2) (m-U-2/P7S_UK)
Social competences
The student is ready to
13. prioritize the implementation of various tasks to complete their MA thesis (k_K01/P7S_KK).
14. participate in various forms of cultural life for the purpose of MA thesis (k_K04/P7S_KO)
15. set priorities in their self-study, particularly in managing the time and resources while doing research, following the supervisor’s guidance in designing a research project, and applying formal requirements for UO diploma projects (m-K-1/P7S_KO)
16. express their reasoned opinions, including critique, on selected academic issues related to the studied discipline, as well as think and act resourcefully and creatively in relation to their research project (m-K-2/P7S_KK)
Kryteria oceniania
Forms of evaluation of the learning outcomes
A completed MA thesis submitted for its defence - 100% of the final grade (outcomes 1-16)
Reading list:
Diploma paper useful information:
Procedura dyplomowania UO:
Obligatory readings:
Provided by the seminar supervisor and connected with a specific seminar profile.
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: