Personal academic development 1.S2.MLA.9
Course objectives:
The main aim of the course is to raise students' consciousness regarding their future career choices in the field of academia. They also learn to use reflective tools on a regular basis enhancing their personal and professional development.
Course content:
1. Class contract
2. Coaching and tutoring tools for reflection
3. Assessing own strengths
4. Recognising own value system
5. Working with goal setting
6. Visualising future career
7. Overcoming limiting beliefs
8. Recognising academic development options
Methods of teaching:
coaching tools, tutoring tools, discussion, pair-work activities, reflective essay writing, multimedia presentation, ICT tools - MS Teams
Kierunek studiów
Nakład pracy studenta
Poziom studiów
Profil kształcenia
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Semestr, w którym realizowany jest przedmiot
Tryb prowadzenia
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Learning outcomes acc to PRK 2019
1. The student knows the constructs related to personal academic development and presentation techniques characteristic of academic exposition (k_W09/P7S_WG)
2. The student can reflect upon own personal academic development using observation tools and manage own process of development using the life long learning approach (k_U16/P7S_UU)
Social competences:
3. The student can assume attitudes and motivations that allow freedom of expression and self -fulfilment through high academic achievement (k_K08/P7S_KO)
Kryteria oceniania
Forms of evaluation of learning outcomes:
1. Active participation in class discussions and pairwork activities - up to 75% of the final grade (outcome 1,2,3)
2. A reflective essay on own academic development - 25% of the final grade (outcome 1,2,3)
Criteria of evaluation:
60% - passing with the grade 3,0
75% - passing with the grade 4,0
100% - passing with the grade 5,0
Reading list:
Adams, M. (2004). Change your questions, change your life.
Carson, R. (2003). Taming your gremlin.
Whitmore, J. (2002) Coaching for Performance. 3rd ed. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Zander, R., & Zander, B. (2000). The art of possibility.
Więcej informacji
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