Critical Discourse Analysis 1.S3.EPC.51
Course objectives
familiarising the students with the concepts of Critical Discourse Analysis
Course content:
1. Theoretical background - multidisciplinarity of CDA, basic terms and tools, language and institutions
2. Discourse and social context - public communication and institutional constraints
3. Stance in public communication - positioning and point of view, social and language bias, unconscious stance in racist and sexist discourse
4. Networks of texts - intertextual analysis
5. Expert discourse and the issues of power
6. The construction of identity - inequality of power and social roles
7. The discourse of prejudice
8. The discourse of consumerism
Methods of instruction/ forms of classroom activity:
multimedia presentation, discussion, ICT tools/Moodle & Teams, report writing, pair work, group work
Kierunek studiów
Nakład pracy studenta
Poziom studiów
Profil kształcenia
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Semestr, w którym realizowany jest przedmiot
Tryb prowadzenia
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Learning outcomes acc to PRK 2019
Students know and understand:
1. the place and significance of the communication studies among humanities and their analytical and methodological tools (k_W01/P6S_WG)
2. basic terminology and theories of linguistic, media studies and their critical analysis (k_W02/P6S_WG)
3. economic, political and institutional facts referring to public communication in the English speaking countries (k_W06 /P6S_WG)
Students can:
4. recognize different types of texts in order to perform their critical analysis and assess their relevance and impact in public communication (k_U02/P6S_UW)
5. use arguments and formulate logical conclusions based on studies of other authors (k_U03 /P6S_UW)
6. explore and critically analyse information from various sources, institutions and media (k_U07/P6S_UO)
Social competences
Students are ready to:
7. critically evaluate and solve problems arising from the implementation of professional tasks such as creating public texts for media or business or providing language support in institutions and enterprises (k_K02/P6S_KK)
8. accept linguistic and cultural differences and recognize them as natural vocational factors (k_K03/P6S_KO)
Kryteria oceniania
Forms of evaluation of learning outcomes:
1. A record of classroom participation on the basis of the material prepared beforehand – 45% of the final grade (outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
2. The final project/essay/in-class presentation – 55% of the final grade (outcomes 1,2,3,4,5,6)
the final task: project/essay/in-class presentation take form selected by Students
pass at 60% of the final grade
Reading list:
Bloor, M. and T. Bloor, 2007, The Practice of Critical Discpourse Analysis, Hodder Arnold
Wodak, R. and M.Meyer, 2001, Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, Sage
Reading materials provided by the teacher
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: