Group processes 2.5.E-PROCES-C
The following topics regarding the relationship between the individual and the group will be discussed during the classes:
1.Interdependence, competition, cooperation. Group cohesion;
2.Group formation, stages of group formation
3. Selected group processes - social loafing, facilitation, groupthink, group polarization
4. Group roles
5. Conformism – social influence in groups.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
in terms of knowledge: providing knowledge about the functioning of the group and issues related to the group as a source of identity society, and the resulting problems.
- in terms of skills: developed skills in observing the basic mechanisms of group influence on functioning individuals and groups,
- in terms of competences: sensitization to group behavior as a mechanism of influence, which is something more than only the relations between the units that constitute it
Kryteria oceniania
Final colloquium covering the content presented during classes and material included in the compulsory literature consistent with the curriculum content presented in the syllabus
The final grade will be determined based on the number of points obtained according to: rules:
• satisfactory grade: if the student obtains more than 60% of the points
• good grade: if the student obtains over 75% of the points
• very good grade: if the student obtains over 90% of the points
Only one absence per semester is allowed. Each subsequent absence must be counted by completing an additional task.
• Brown R., (2006) Procesy grupowe. Dynamika wewnątrzgrupowa i międzygrupowa. Gdańsk, GWP
• Wołoszynowa (1978). Materiały do nauczania psychologii, Seria III. Warszawa: PWN.
• Kenrick D., Neuberg S., Cialdini R., (2002) Psychologia Społeczna, Gdańsk, GWP
• Myers, D. G. (2003). Psychologia społeczna. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka r
B. .Additional literature
• Aronson E., Wilson T.D., Akert R.M. (1997) Psychologia społeczna. Serce i umysł, Poznań, Zysk i S-ka
• Zwolińska-Bac, D. (2007). Badanie struktury grupy - test socjometryczny. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie, 40, 343-350.
Więcej informacji
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