Introduction to EU law 9.4.Z-A-II-EUL
1. The development of European integration:
- stages of economic integration, - evolution of the EU's founding treaties, - evolution of EU membership, - evolution of the structure of the EU.
2. Basic principles and values of the European Union:
- general objectives of the EU - EU values and sanctions of its violation - principles conected with relations between the EU and its Member States - principles connected with relations between the EU law and law of its Member States - principles related to EU institutions - general principles of law: non-discrimination, access to justice, legal certainty, due process
3. Sources of European Union law and its implementation:
- concept and main futures - elements: principles, primary law, international agreements, secondary law CJEU judgments - primacy of EU law - direct effect.
4. Fundamental rights in the European Union:
- the Court of Justice activity - the Treaty legal basis - Article 6 TFEU - the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
5. The European Union legal protection system: - the action for nullity of EU legislation - the action for failure to act of the EU institutions - the action for damages - enforcement actions against Member States
Literatura uzupełniająca
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
1. Knowledge about the development of the EU, knowledge of the basic principles of EU law and measures available to review legality of EU law.
2. Practical ability to properly use procedures connected with legality review of EU law, the ability to apply properly UE law in the internal legal order according with basic principles to EU law.
3. The ability to keep up with changes in the law. The ability to take action on national and international relations. Awareness of their knowledge and skills in the area of EU instititutional law, the conviction of the need for continuous training.
Kryteria oceniania
Lecture with multimedia presentation provided through MS Teams and Moodle platform. Pass with a grade based on different activities shared on e-learning platform (ex. work with text, work with case law, short written work, short closed test, true and false test).
Basic literature and sources of law:
1. Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
2. D. Chalmers, D. Gareth, G. Monti, European Union Law: Cases and Materials, Cambridge 2010.
3. C. Barnard, S. Peers S., European Union Law, Oxford 2017.
4. Craig P., de Burca G., EU Law. Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford 2015.
5. Craig P., The Lisbon Treaty. Law, Politics, and Treaty Reform, Oxford 2010.
Więcej informacji
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