Introduction to EU substantive law 9.7.Z-IEL
1. Free movement of goods:
- the concept of good, custom union with a ban of customs duties between Member States and common customs tariffs in their relations with third states, ban on quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect, reorganization of state monopolies having commercial character, ban on discriminatory and protectionist taxation.
2. Free movement of workers:
- free movement rights, the cocnept of worker and irs familly members, access to employment and equality of treatment, public service exception on free movement of workers together with justifiable limitations justified on grounds of public policy, public security or public health.
3. Freedom of establishment:
- the concept of establishment and its crucial features; primary and secondary establishment; the concept of a company; the scope of the freedom of establishment; reasonable limits to the freedom of establishment.
4. Free movement of services:
- the concept of services with its four elements: the intangible nature of the benefits, multinationality (cross-border) business, a time limit on the provision of services, payable character; justifiable restrictions on the freedom to provide services.
5. Free movement of capital:
- gradual liberalization of capital movements, full treaty liberalization of capital movements, the definition of ‚capital’, permissible restrictions to the free movement of capital, areas in which free movement of capital only applies - no place for other Freedoms, main features of Economic and Monetary Union
Literatura uzupełniająca
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
1. Knowledge and understanding of key aspects of substantive EU law: knowledge about the relationship between the rules of free trade and competition rules, knowledge of the principles of free movement of goods, persons, services and capital on the basis of relevant sources, both primary and secondary EU law and EU-wide judicial decisions.
2. Practical ability to exploit the opportunities offered by EU to its citizens connected with freedoms of the internal market, the use of knowledge about the rules of the internal market to solve economic problems from the point of view of EU law and national law, the ability to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the internal market.
3. He is aware of his knowledge and skills, understands the need for continuous educa-tion and professional development, also in the context of the EU substantive law.
Kryteria oceniania
Lecture with multimedia presentation provided through MS Teams and Moodle platform. Pass with a grade based on different activities shared on e-learning platform (ex. work with text, work with case law, short written work, short closed test, true and false test).
Basic literature and sources of law:
1. Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
2. D. Chalmers, D. Gareth, G. Monti, European Union Law: Cases and
Materials, Cambridge 2010.
3. C. Barnard, S. Peers S., European Union Law, Oxford 2017.
3. Craig P., de Burca G., EU Law. Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford 2015.
4. Craig P., The Lisbon Treaty. Law, Politics, and Treaty Reform, Oxford 2010
Więcej informacji
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