Group processes 02.06-S-PG
1. Microsociology as a sociological discipline. Basic concepts of microsociology. The problem of the multi-level nature of the social world.
2. Microsociology research methods. Theory and experiment in sociology.
3. Types of social structures. Quasi-group structures. Group Continuum.
4. Unit and structural pressures. Coercion and structural pressures as constitutive features of a small social group.
5. Formation and crystallization of the system of statuses.
6. Role, personality, social structure. Role structures.
7. Role conflicts, role conflicts, role conflicts.
8. Structural mechanisms of discharging conflicts and tensions in a team of roles.
9. Individual mechanisms of reducing tension in a team of roles.
10. Sociometry by J. Moreno. Sociometric structure. Methods of sociometric research.
11. Group cohesion. Exceeding the safe level of group cohesion.
12. Groupthink syndrome.
13. Schism within the group.
14. Structure of communication. Types of communication. Social distancing. Network flow diagram of communication.
15. Leadership structures. Decision making in a group. Leadership climates in small groups.
Supplementary literature
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2023/24-Z: | Term 2022/23-Z: |
Learning outcomes
Has elementary knowledge of various types of social structures and institutions of social life and the relationships between them.
Has basic knowledge about social processes, on a micro and macro scale, their interactions, and about the causes of social processes and their effects. He knows the basic factors of social change and their impact on the individual and social structures.
Can explain basic human-society relationships: how social and structural factors affect individual behavior and identity formation, and how individuals' actions affect social structures.
Has a basic knowledge of the dynamics of a social group.
He can apply a sociological perspective to understand various forms of social life and behavior of individuals.
Can use basic theoretical knowledge in the field of sociology and obtain data to analyze specific social processes and phenomena (cultural, political, legal, economic).
He sees and understands the need to consider sociological issues from different points of view, strives for multidimensional analysis, avoiding simplifications and one-sided judgments, while allowing for a different position.
He is sensitive to the social problems of individuals and groups, shows empathy in relations with other people.
He is able to share sociological knowledge with both professionals and lay people.
Assessment criteria
Lecture:Attendance.,written exam.
2. Exercises:
• completion of final work:
to prepare and present a chosen topic
• an account of the prepared texts
• active participation in discussions
• determining the final grade on the basis of partial grades received during the semester
The final grade for the exam and exercises will be determined on the basis of the number of points obtained according to the following rule:
• satisfactory grade: if the student obtains more than 60% of points
• good grade: if the student obtains more than 75% of points
• very good grade: if the student obtains more than 90% of points
1. R. Garpiel, K. Leszczyńska (red.), Sztuka perswazji. Socjologiczne, psychologiczne i lingwistyczne aspekty komunikowania perswazyjnego, Kraków 2004.
2. J. Heidtmann, Strukturalne i indywidualne mechanizmy powstawania i dystrybucji władzy w sieciach konfliktu. Model teoretyczny i testy eksperymentalne, „Studia Socjologiczne” 2002 nr 1, s. 7-42.
3. J. Heidtmann, K. Wysieńska (red.), Procesy grupowe. Perspektywa socjologiczna, Warszawa 2013.
4. R. Merton, Teoria grup odniesienia i struktura społeczna, w: R. Merton, Teoria socjologiczna i struktura społeczna, Warszawa 1982.
5. J. Szmatka, Małe struktury społeczne. Warszawa 1989.
6. J. Turowski, Socjologia. Małe struktury społeczne, Lublin 2001.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: