Mental health and coping 2.5.E-KZK001
Programme content:
(1) Understanding mental health and its main areas
(2) Stress and mental health - basic dependencies
(3) Impact of stress on PTSD,
(4) Dealing with stress: main concepts.
(5) Meaning systems as a form of stress management,
(6) How do we investigate dealing with stress? Questionnaire and experimental approach,
(7) Dealing with the stress caused by the disease,
(8) Dealing and mental well-being - subjective conditions
(9) The consequences of stress for mental well-being,
(10) Efficiency in dealing with stress and mental health,
(11) The relationship between counselling and postnatal growth,
(12) Mental resilience and personal resources as factors in mental health under stress
Field of study
Supplementary literature
Student workload
Study level
Education profile
Type of course
The semester in which the subject is carried out
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
As a result of the conducted classes the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate psychological terminology at an extended level and a structured and in-depth knowledge of mental health, stress and coping with stress;
- Demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical basis for prevention and intervention in relation to stress, know the principles of evidence-based coping psychological practice, and have a structured knowledge of coping with stress and mental health;
- To have an extended knowledge of the human being, his characteristics, the functioning of selected human relationships and structures in the context of dealing with stress and mental health.
As a result of the conducted classes, the student should be able to/have skills:
- to observe, master and interpret in detail information on psychological and social phenomena in the area of stress and mental health, using various sources with the use of information technology;
- apply research techniques in the field of coping and mental health, i.e. differentiate between orientations in psychological research methodology, correctly formulate and solve research problems, select appropriate methods and techniques, construct research tools, and master the methodology of psychological research;
- observe, diagnose, rationally assess complex psychological situations related to stress and mental health and analyse human motives and behaviour patterns,
Social competence
as a result of the conducted classes the student:
- shows readiness to carry out professional tasks in the field of stress psychology and quality of life; shows activity and perseverance in undertaking individual and team professional activities in the field of stress management psychology and mental health;
- Understands how to behave in a professional manner and in accordance with the principles of professional ethics in the perspective of problems related to coping and mental health, and also perceives and formulates moral problems and ethical dilemmas related to their own and others' work;
- Can maintain criticism of the content, especially in the field of coping and mental health.
Assessment criteria
A. Method of assessment*:
- Credit with assessment
B. Forms of credit:
- Written assessment.
C. Basic criteria:
- sufficient grade: if the student obtains more than 55% of points
- good grade: if the student obtains more than 70% of the points
- very good grade: if the student obtains more than 85% of the points
A.1. Used during classes:
Anniko, M. K., Boersma, K., & Tillfors, M. (2019). Sources of stress and worry in the development of stress-related mental health problems: A longitudinal investigation from early-to mid-adolescence. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 32(2), 155-167.
Folkman, S. (2013). Stress: Appraisal and coping. W: M. D. Gellman, J. R. Turner (red.), Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine (s. 1913‒1915). New York: Springer US.
Harkness, K.L., Hayden, E.P. (2020) (red.). The Oxford handbook of stress and mental health. New York: Oxford University Press.
Heszen, I. (2013). Psychologia stresu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Heszen, I. (2016). Kliniczna psychologia zdrowia. W: L. Cierpiałkowska, H. Sęk (red.), Psychologia kli-niczna (s. 517‒540). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Kar S.K., Yasir Arafat S.M., Kabir R., Sharma P., Saxena S.K. (2020) Coping with Mental Health Chal-lenges During COVID-19. In: Saxena S. (eds) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Medical Virology: From Pathogenesis to Disease Control. Springer, Singapore.
Ogińska-Bulik, N., Juczyński, Z. (2008). Osobowość, stres a zdrowie. Warszawa: Difin.
Terelak, J.F. (2017). Psychologia stresu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo UKSW.
A.2. Used by students:
Folkman, S. (2013). Stress, coping, and hope. W: B. I. Carr, J. Steel (red.), Psychological aspects of cancer (s. 119‒127). New York: Springer US.
Łosiak, W. (2009). Stres i emocje w naszym życiu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne.
Ogińska-Bulik, N. (2013). Pozytywne skutki doświadczeń traumatycznych czyli kiedy łzy zamieniają się w perły. Warszawa: Difin.
Riley, K. E., Park, C. L. (2014). Problem-focused vs. meaning-focused coping as mediators of the appraisal-adjustment relationship in chronic stressors. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33(7), 587‒611.
B. Supplementary literature:
Łosiak, W. (2008). Psychologia stresu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne.
Łosiak, W. (2011). Klasyfikacja form radzenia sobie ze stresem oparta na kryterium celu i metody działania. Próba weryfikacji empirycznej. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 16(1), 44–53.
Mc Cubbin, H.I., Sussman, M.B. (2014). Social Stress and the Family: Advances and Developments in Family Stress Therapy and Research (Vol. 6). New York: Routledge.
Wethington, E., Glanz, K., Schwartz, M. D. (2015). Stress, coping, and health behavior. W: K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer, K. Viswanath (red.), Health Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practice (s. 223‒242). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Yoo, C. (2019). Stress coping and mental health among adolescents: applying a multi-dimensional stress coping model. Children and Youth Services Review, 99, 43-53.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: