Courses at
Institute of Medical Sciences
- Information technology and communication 14-FT-D5.2-TIK
- Intellectual property rights 14-KOS-D3.5-OWI
- Internal diseases 14-PO-D3.3-ChW
- Internal diseases 14-PO-D3.4-ChW
- Internal diseases 14-PO-D3.4-ZP-ChW
- Internal diseases 14-PO-D3.4-PZ-ChW
- Internal diseases 14-PO-D3-PZ-ChW-R
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3.4-PZ-ChW
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3.4-ZP-ChW
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3.3-ZP-ChWP
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3.2-ChWiPI
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3.4-ChWiPI
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3.3-PZ-ChWP
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3.3-CWiPI
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3.2-PZ-ChW
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3.2-ZP-ChW
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3.2-CWiPI/E
- Internal medicine and internal medicine nursing 14-PIEL-D3CHWIPI-R
- Internship 14-KOS-D2.2-PZ
- Internship 14-KOS-D2.1-PZ
- Internship 14-KOS-D2.3-PZ
- Internship in child nutrition (in hospital/nursery/pre-school/school) 14-DIE-D3.3-PZDz
- Internship in child nutrition (in hospital/nursery/pre-school/school) 14-DIE-N3.3-PZDz
- Internship in clinical physiotherapy, physical therapy and massage 14-FT-D5.10-PZZFKFIM
- Internship in dietetics or metabolic diseases clinic 14-DIE-D3.4-PPDLCHM
- Internship in dietetics or metabolic diseases clinic 14-DIE-N3.4-PPDLCHM
- Internship in food technology 14-DIE-D3.6-PTP
- Internship in food technology 14-DIE-N3.6-PTP
- Internship in hospital 14-DIE-D2.1-PwS
- Internship in hospital for adults 14-DIE-D3.5-PSZD
- Internship in hospital for adults 14-DIE-N3.5-PSZD
- Internship in social care centres 14-DIE-D3.6-PPOS
- Internship in social care centres 14-DIE-N3.6-PPOS
- Internship in the field of skin care and beautifying cosmetology 14-KOS-D3-PKPiU-W/1
- Internship in the field of skin care and beautifying cosmetology 14-KOS-D3.3-PKPiU
- Internship in the field of skin care and beautifying cosmetology 14-KOS-D3.4-PKPiU
- Internship in the field of skin care and beautifying cosmetology 14-KOS-D3-PKPiU-W
- Internship in the field of skin care and beautifying cosmetology 14-KOS-D3-PKPiU-R
- Internship in the field of skin care and beautifying cosmetology 14-KOS-D3-PKPiU-R/1
- Internship: Clinical physiotherapy, physical therapy and massage therapy 14-FT-D5.6-PZZFKFIM
- Internship: Clinical physiotherapy, physical therapy and massage therapy 14-FT-D5.8-PWZFKFIM
- Internship: Skin care cosmetology 14-KOS-D3.1-PZKP
- Internship: Skin care cosmetology 14-KOS-D3.2-PZKP
- Internship: Skin care cosmetology 14-KOS-D3-PZKP-W
- Internships in daycare /all-day care facilities and in dietary offices 14-DIE-D2.2-PWPOD
- Introduction of allergology 14-KOS-D3.3-PA
- Introduction to clinical pharmacology - additionally for students who started their studies before 2016/2017 14-PO-D2.1-WFK
- Introduction to clinical pharmacology - additionally for students who started their studies before 2016/2017 14-PIEL-D2.2-WFK
- Introduction to dermatology 14-KOS-D3.2-PD
- Introduction to histopathology 14-KOS-D2.4-PH
- Introduction to human nutrition 14-DIE-D3.1-PZCZ/1
- Introduction to human nutrition 14-DIE-N3.1-PZCZ/1
- Introduction to law and medical law 14-FT-D5-PPiPM-R
- Introduction to law and medical law 14-FT-D5.1-PPIPM
- Introduction to physiotherapy 14-KOS-D3.5-PFi
- Introduction to phytotherapy in dietetics 14-DIE-D2.1-PFWD
- Introduction to psychology 14-KOS-D2.4-PP
- Introduction to public health 14-DIE-D2.1-PZP
- Introduction to rehabilitation 14-PIEL-D3.4-PR
- Introduction to rehabilitation 14-PIEL-D3-PR-R
- Introductory internship in hospital 14-DIE-N3.2-PWS
- Introductory internship in hospital 14-DIE-D3.2-PWS
- IT 14-DIE-D3.1-TI
- IT 14-KOS-D3.2-TI
- IT 14-DIE-N3.1-TI
- Kinesiotherapy 14-FT-D5.3-K
- Kinesiotherapy 14-FT-D5.2-K
- Kinesiotherapy 14-FT-D5.4-K
- Kinesiotherapy 14-FT-D5-K-R
- Laboratory diagnostics in dietary practice 14-DIE-D2.1-DLWPD
- Laboratory of food technology and dietetics 14-DIE-D3.5-PTZiD
- Laboratory of food technology and dietetics 14-DIE-N3.5-PTZiD
- Laboratory of food technology and dietetics 14-DIE-D3.6-PTZiD
- Laboratory of food technology and dietetics 14-DIE-D3-PTZID-W
- Law and economics 14-KOS-D2.2-PiE
- Law and economics in health care 14-DIE-D3.6-PiEOZ
- Law and economics in health care 14-DIE-N3.6-PiEOZ
- Law and economics in health care 14-DIE-D3.5-PiEOZ
- Law in midwifery practice 14-PO-D2.3-PwPP
- Law in nursing practice 14-PIEL-D2.1-PwPP
- Library training 14-N-SZB
- Library training 14-D-SZB
- Long-term care nursing 14-PIEL-D3.4-PZ-POD
- Long-term care nursing 14-PIEL-D3.4-ZP-POD
- Long-term care nursing 14-PIEL-D3.4-POD/1
- Long-term mechanical ventilation in inpatient and home care (ICU, pulmonary ward, home oxygen therapy service) 14-PIEL-D2.2-PZ-WMDO
- Management and marketing 14-FT-D5-ZiM-R
- Management and marketing 14-FT-D5.1-ZIM
- Management in midwifery 14-PO-D2.1-PZ-ZwP
- Management in midwifery 14-PO-D2.1-ZwP
- Management in nursing 14-PIEL-D2.1-ZwP
- Management in nursing 14-PIEL-D2.1-PZ-ZwP
- Manual therapy 14-FT-D5.3-TM
- Manual therapy 14-FT-D5.4-TM
- Manual therapy 14-FT-D5-TM-R
- Massage 14-FT-D5.2-M
- Massage 14-FT-D5.3-M
- Massage 14-FT-D5-M-R
- Massage 14-FT-D5-M-R/1
- Master's thesis 14-FT-D5.10-PM