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(in Polish) Nauki fizyczne (SD-NF-D4)

(in Polish: Nauki fizyczne)
(in Polish) Szkoła doktorska
(in Polish) stacjonarne, (in Polish) 4-letnie
Language: unknown

Project author/potential promoter: prof. UO dr hab.Ewa Pawelec

e-mail: ewap@uni.opole.pl 


Plasma spectroscopy – visible, VUV and soft X-ray spectral regions. 

Spectroscopy of the atoms, ions and molecules in high-temperature Magnetic Confinement Fusion plasma. 

Candidate’s own projects within the research areas mentioned above, accepted after preliminary discussion and arrangements.

Scientific experience of the promoter:

- scientific publications available at:

- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1333-6331

- http://bazawiedzy.uni.opole.pl/pracownicy/

Research facilities of the implemented project, possibilities of  international mobility of the doctoral student, possibilities of employing the doctoral student in implemented projects or grants:

- research facilities for projects:

- plasma spectroscopy lab in the University of Opole, Institute of Physics: low-temperature plasma spectroscopy in the UV-Vis-NIR region, soft X-ray spectroscopy

- remote work within EUROFUSION consortium – data analysis from spectroscopic measurements performed during experiments within EUROFUSION programs

- opportunities for international mobility of doctoral students:

- experiment campaigns within EUROFUSION: MAST tokamak (Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, UK), WEST tokamak (Cadarache, France))

- W7X stellarator (IPP Greifswald, Germany)

Other Promoter's requirements for the applicant:

- basic knowledge in plasma atomic and molecular spectroscopy

- basic programming and data analysis knowledge, including writing scripts in Python

- fluent Polish and/or English (speech and writing) 

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.uni.opole.pl