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Biotechnology (6-KRK-BT-D35)

(in Polish: Biotechnologia - studia inżynierskie stacjonarne)
bachelor's degree studies
full-time courses, 3,5 years
Language: Polish

Qualification awarded:

biotechnology engineer

Access to further studies:

students can continue their studies towards the master's degree. Other postgraduate programs are also avilable.

Professional status:

A graduate is prepared for smooth functioning at the meeting point of technology and modern methods of experimental biology and to undertake interdisciplinary tasks which require cooperation between specialists from other fields. A graduate should know a foreign language on the B2 proficiency level of the European system of reference for languages of the Council of Europe and be able to use specialised language in the field of biotechnology. A graduate of an engineer's degree course is prepared to: work in biotechnological industry and related industries; work in research, control and diagnostic laboratories; perform basic analytic and research tasks with the use of biological material; use process equipment and research instruments; conduct biotechnological processes and individually develop their own professional skills. A graduate completed a 4-week professional internship. A graduate is prepared to take up the second level degree studies.

Learning outcomes

The student should complete the entire curriculum (in accordance with the guidelines of the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education) for the Biotechnology of the first degree studies, which means that the student has to pass all the subjects of the programme of studies, including 4-week professional practice, and achieve all the educational results approved by the Senate of Opole University (Resolution No. 161/2008-2012 of the Senate of Opole University of 24 May 2012). Students are required to pass tests or exams at the end of the courses according to the degree programmes (lectures, seminars, labs and field studies). Students must pass diploma exam that covers the all courses. The final grading is calculated taking into account the arithmetic mean of all grades entered into the student's transcript (0.50), assessment of the master thesis (0.25) and the diploma examination grade (0.25).

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.uni.opole.pl