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Cultural Studies (1-KRK-KULT-D3)

(in Polish: Kulturoznawstwo)
Daily studies, 3 years
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Licencjat z kulturoznawstwa

Access to further studies:

possibility to apply for admission to MA (2nd-level) studies

Professional status:

2.1 The graduate obtains a broad education in the humanities, which includes: theoretical, methodological and historical knowledge as well as the ability to analyse the traditional and modern culture phenomena, and practical skills related to the organisation of culture. 2.2. The graduate obtains vocational qualifications within their specialism.

Teaching standards

2. Learning outcomes for the course Culture Studies approwed pursuant to the resolution 147/2008-2012 of the UO Senate on 26 IV 2012. Programme of studies as definined by the Resolution of the Faculty Board of Philology on 12 IV 2012.
2.1. The canon of culture studies: A. The basic modules, B. Specialization modules, C. Elective modules, D. Other obligatory modules;
2.2. Optional courses: the student, within the studies, selects 5 courses beyond the curriculum, as well as specialized courses in the option for 1, 2 or 3 ECTS points, in the quantity necessary to obtain the points required in the particular semesters, to the sum of 30 ECTS points.
2.3. The canon of specializations;
3. Details concerning the program, as well as the individual achievements, the obtained grades/credit points (ECTS). The condition for passing the subject is obtaining a positive grade for classes planned in the curriculum. The condition of approval for examination is obtaining a positive grade for classes planned in the curriculum. The student has to write a bachelor's thesis by the end of the 6th semester, and then present it with a positive result in front of the Commission of the Faculty during the bachelor's examination. The bachelor's examination consists of two parts: examination related to specialized knowledge from the studies and defense of the bachelor's thesis. The final grade on the diploma constitutes: ½ - the arithmetic mean of the examination grades and passing grades entered to the student index book, ¼ - the bachelor's thesis grade, ¼ - the diploma examination grade. Graduating the studies requires 180 ECTS points (30 points in each semester).

Learning outcomes

has basic knowledge about the specific objective and methodological nature of culture studies; is familiar with the most important definitions of culture and their typologies, distinguishes the attributive and distributive understanding of culture; distinguishes the notions: culture – civilization, nature – culture; is familiar with the place and importance of knowledge about culture, literature, theater, film, art, music in the system of humanities; is able to identify and understand the main notions in the achievements of various cultural theories, as well as sociological, anthropological, literature-specialist and linguistic orientations;
has organized general knowledge within the scope of theoretical orientations and research schools of cultural sciences; has organized methodological knowledge related to cultural, literature-specialist and linguistic studies in the historical-literary, theoretical and esseistic-critical aspect. Is familiar with the most important fields of research of these disciplines;
has basic knowledge about the main directions of development of cultural research methods and the most important new achievements in this field; has basic knowledge about the connections between culture studies and other scientific disciplines, including philosophy, history, ethnology and cultural anthropology, sociology, linguistics, literary sciences; has basic knowledge about the connections between the culture studies with the areas, from which this science has been separated: knowledge about theater, film, music, art, new media; is aware of the relations between the economic, political phenomena and the culture sector;
has organized knowledge including the basic terminology within the scope of ethnology and cultural anthropology (including rite, rite of passage, ritual, ceremony, custom, tradition); is familiar with the contemporary achievements, centers and research schools in this field;
has organized knowledge (terminology, theories, methodology) about history of culture, customs, beliefs, habits and annual and family ceremonies, as well as in the fields related to theatre, art, music; has organized knowledge about the notion of culture and its understanding in different theories and concepts of the contemporary humanities. Is able to recognize the basic categories within the scope of history of culture (including definitions of nobility, knightly ideals, development of rustic culture and noble status ideology), traditional culture (magic and its different varieties, the own-foreign category, sacrum-profanum); has organized knowledge about cultural and literary trends from the Middle Ages to the contemporary times; is familiar with material culture of different historical periods and understands their effect on transformations in lifestyle, the way of thinking, mentality; is familiar with the basic scope of terms relating to functioning and reception of media: film, theatre, the Internet; mastered the basic knowledge of history and theory of theatre, as well as arts: fine arts, music, audiovisual; has basic knowledge with regard to visual anthropology: (terminology, history and theory of ethnographic film and photography);
is familiar with the basic methods of analysis and interpretation of various products of culture (including popular cultural texts, mass media texts, shows and stage performances); has organized, detailed knowledge about popular culture, is aware of the differences between mass culture and popular culture, knows the basic critical positions with regard to mass culture and popular culture; is able to explain the notions: subculture, contestation, contrculture, alternative culture;
has basic knowledge of folk culture, subcultures, regionalism, knows the main directions of development and the most important new research in this field;
is well-oriented in issues related to culture management, with regulations and legal acts related to cultural institutions; is familiar with provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland concerning creative, scientific, artistic and cultural activity, especially with regard to rights attributable to the creator and the recipient, as well as their protection and acceptable interference of the state; is aware of the complex nature of language and the historical variability of its meanings (knows the principles of linguistic correctness, recognizes and names language errors, knows the way of functioning of language and its socio-regional diversity); has basic knowledge about cultural institutions and good orientation in contemporary cultural life;
is able to search for, analyze, evaluate, select, and use information with the use of various traditional and electronic sources; has the ability to formulate research problems and analyze them with the use of properly selected methods and tools. Applies them in preparation and presentation of the results; is able to carry out field research and prepare the results, as well as draw up written work or oral presentation on their basis, which shows the skill of substantive argumentation with the use of own views and the views of other authors; is able to acquire knowledge and develop research skills on his/her own, following the instructions of the scientific supervisor; has the ability to plan and animate cultural events on the local and regional level; is able to use the basic theoretical formulations, applies the learned analytical categories to explain cultural phenomena in a diachronic and synchronic perspective; uses the basic research paradigms and terms relevant for culture studies and related sciences, e.g. knowledge about literature and language, art, music, film, theater and new media;
is able to differentiate between styles and tendencies, as well as the presence of both domestic, as well as external components in particular products of culture;
Is able to recognize various kinds of products, phenomena and texts about history of culture, folk culture and contemporary culture, as well as critically analyze and interpret particular phenomena;
is able to use substantive argumentation with the use of knowledge consisting the achievements of cultural sciences; is able to, on this basis, formulate independent conclusions and present them in oral or written form;
is able to present the collected research material and the acquired knowledge with the use of various communication channels and techniques; has language skills in the field of science and scientific disciplines relevant for the study specialization, consistent with the requirements specified for level B2 of the European Language Education Description System;
Social competences:
understands the need to learn for the whole life; is able to cooperate and work in a group, assuming various roles therein; has communication, persuasion and mediation skills, which he/she uses in the social environment, in which he/she works; they allow him to precisely specify priorities used for execution of a specific action; is able to correctly identify and resolve dilemmas associated with the performed profession; when undertaking any cultural activities, looks for any regulations governing the given area of activity; ethically approaches the tasks performed by him/her; assumes an attitude of openness and tolerance towards other cultures and people with different worldviews; appreciates tradition and cultural heritage of the region, country, Europe, and is aware of the arising responsibilities; participates in cultural life, using its various forms, developing aesthetic, artistic and social sensitivity.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.uni.opole.pl