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(in Polish) Językoznawstwo (SD-NJ-D4)

(in Polish: Językoznawstwo)
(in Polish) Szkoła doktorska
(in Polish) stacjonarne, (in Polish) 4-letnie
Language: unknown

Project author/potential supervisor: prof. UO dr hab. Danuta Lech-Kirstein

e-mail: dlech@uni.opole.pl

Research topics:
Historical and contemporary onomastics.
Regional onomastics.
Silesian Studies.
Candidate's own projects in the field of Polish linguistics, accepted by prior arrangement.

Supervisor’s scientific experience:
- list of publications on the website: http://bazawiedzy.uni.opole.pl/pracownicy/
- supervisor of numerous bachelor's and master's theses
- reviewer of a doctoral dissertation
reviewer of articles and scientific monographs
- member of habilitation committees in 5 proceedings
- participation in the project Regional information platform for residents and local governments of Lower Silesia e-DolnySlask, carried out on the basis of a public contract awarded by the Marshal's Office of the Dolnośląskie Voivodship No. DU-Z.272.1.2013,
- participation in a scientific grant headed by prof. dr hab. B. Wyderka (research project No. 1 H01D 033 29) on the preparation and publication of the volumes of Silesian Dialect Dictionary.

Research facilities of the implemented project, possibilities of international mobility of a doctoral student, possibilities of employing a doctoral student in implemented projects or grants:
- research facilities of the projects: library resources in the Opole University’s Main Library, the Library of the Faculty of Philology, the library of the former Onomastic Laboratory, access to internet databases,
possibilities of international mobility of a doctoral student: participation in scientific meetings (conferences, international exchange), the possibility of applying for research funding and trips to foreign scientific institutions on their own or/and preparing a joint application for such funding.

Other supervisor’s requirements for the candidate: high level MA thesis in the field of Polish linguistics, predispositions to conduct scientific research.

Project author/potential supervisor: prof. UO dr Łukasz Grabowski

e-mail: lukasz@uni.opole.pl

Research topics:
Corpus linguistics and phraseology.
Corpus linguistics and translationstudies.
Corpus linguistics and ESP.
Research projects related to corpus linguistics and proposed by a candidate, subject to approval by the supervisor.

Supervisor’s scientific experience:
- list of publications and grants available at: http://instytutjezykoznawstwa.wfil.uni.opole.pl/dr-hab-lukasz-grabowski/

Research project infrastructure, research mobility etc.:
- research infrastructure: access to custom-designed software for text analysis (WordSmith Tools, SketchEngine), access to bibliographic databases offered by UO Main Library, access to the Faculty Library, 
- research mobility: training and research stays at Polish and European HE institutions.

Other Promoter's requirements for the applicant: excellent MA thesis on corpus linguistics and phraseology/translation studies; basic knowledge and hands-on experience with research techniques used in corpus linguistics and empirical research; basic knowledge of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics; proficiency (C1-C2 according to CEFR) – as documented by certificates, diplomas etc. – in academic English in speech and writing; experience in conducting research (participation in conferences, publications etc.); programming skills (in R and/or Python) would be welcome.

Project author/potential supervisor: prof. UO dr hab. Felicja Księżyk

e-mail: ksiezykf@uni.opole.pl

Research topics:
Contact Linguistics.
Languages for Special Purposes.
Speech Islands.
Candidate's own projects in German linguistics accepted after prior arrangements.

Supervisor’s scientific experience:
- list of publications on the website: http://bazawiedzy.uni.opole.pl/pracownicy/
- promoter of numerous bachelor's and master's theses
- one open doctoral thesis
- participation in international research projects, contractor of the project Language across generations: contact induced change in morpho-syntax in German-Polish bilingual speech, financed by the National Science Centre, Poland and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, project no. 2016/23/G/HS2/04369, carried out at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Science

Research facilities of the implemented project, possibilities of international mobility of the doctoral student, possibilities of employing the doctoral student in implemented projects or grants:
- research facilities for projects: library resources in the Main Library of the UO and the Library of the Cathedral of German Language and Literature of the UO
- access to online databases: opportunities for international mobility of doctoral students:
- participation in scientific meetings (conferences, international exchanges)
- the possibility of applying for research funding and trips to foreign research institutions on their own or/and preparing a joint application for such funding

Other Promoter's requirements for the applicant: high level of master's thesis in German philology, aptitude for scientific research.

Project author/potential supervisor: prof. UO dr hab. Marzena Makuchowska

e-mail: marzena.makuchowska@uni.opole.pl

Research topics:
Religious discourse.
Critical analysis of various discourses.
Linguistic genology.
Stylistic diversity of Polish language.
Linguistic pragmatics.
Cognitive semantics (linguistic and cultural picture of the world).
Ethics of communication.
Research on discourses in a comparative aspect (in cooperation with an auxiliary promoter).
Candidate's own projects in the field of linguistics (non-historical), accepted after previous arrangements.

Supervisor’s scientific experience:
- list of publications is on the website: http://polonistyka.wfil.uni.opole.pl/dr-hab-marzena-makuchowska-prof-uo/ and in the Repository of UO Library
- promoter of bachelor's and master's theses
- reviewer in habilitation proceedings and doctoral dissertations

Research facilities of the implemented project, possibilities of international mobility of the doctoral student, possibilities of employing the doctoral student in implemented projects or grants:
- research facilities of the projects: library resources in the UO Main Library and the Library of the UO Chair of German Language and German Literature, access to online databases
- the promoter offers substantive assistance in the preparation of own doctoral grant projects and applications for scientific and research scholarships to Polish and foreign foundations (the offer based on the promoter's own experience in effective applications for foreign grants and scholarships and in reviewing grant applications)

Other Promoter's requirements for the applicant: genuine motivation for scientific work, readiness to read and research.

Project author/potential supervisor: prof. UO dr hab. Fabrice Marsac

e-mail: fmarsac@uni.opole.pl

Research topics:
Normative grammar.
Contrastive grammar (FR / PL).

Supervisor’s scientific experience:
- a wide range of international cooperation
- managing research projects
- experience in the concept and implementation of grant projects
- list of publications: https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/search/index
- promoter of numerous bachelor's and master's theses

Research facilities of the implemented project, possibilities of international mobility of the doctoral student, possibilities of employing the doctoral student in implemented projects or grants:
- research facilities of the projects:
- access to online databases, UO library resources
- possibilities of international mobility of a doctoral student:
- participation in team research
- organization of international conferences
- international exchange
- the opportunity to apply for research funding and trips abroad in cooperation with the KJF research team and foreign partners (University of Strasbourg, Paul-Valéry University in Montpellier, University of Mulhouse (FR), University of Banská Bystrica (SK), other)

Other Promoter's requirements for the applicant: high level of master's thesis in the field of French studies, predisposition to undertake scientific research.

Project author/potential supervisor: prof. UO dr hab. Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska

e-mail: molekk@uni.opole.pl

Rresearch topics:
Language in public or mediated communication – a critical perspective.
Analyzing rhetorical potential of texts in public or mediated communication.
Discursive strategies of constructing identities, contact and multilingualism.
Candidate’s own proposal within mediated communication following preliminary consultations.

Supervisor’s scientific experience:

- List of publications: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9455-7384

- Co-editor of international journal Res Rhetorica indexed in WoS and Scopus

- Reviewer of international grant proposals, publications and doctoral disserations

Resources available for the doctoral project/ mobility opportunities, employment opportunities in grants and projects:

- research facilities for projects:

- participation in projects realized within FORTHEM, e.g. Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab,

- access to publishing opportunities within cyclical conferences and special issues of journals overseen by faculty in the Institute of Linguistics (e.g. Stylistyka, Res Rhetorica),

- access to translation/interpreting labs and software, specialist programs and applications for textual research and a broad range of publications in the library of the Faculty of Philology-

- opportunities for international mobility of doctoral students:

- short-term individual and collective mobilities within FORTHEM Alliance with partner universities https://www.forthem-alliance.eu/en/ , International Staff Weeks, summer schools, strategic partnerships, and other projects realized at the Faculty of Philology, especially regarding Citizen Science

- trainings and internships in foreign universities within bilateral agreements with Departments of English within Erasmus + KA103 and KA107.

- NAWA, Fulbright Grants

Other Promoter's requirements for the applicant: english at minimum B2 level, MA degree in the humanities or social sciences (preferably linked to linguistics); experience in academic teaching, experience in international mobilities.

Project author/potential supervisor: prof. UO dr hab. Daniela Pelka

e-mail: Daniela.Pelka@uni.opole.pl

Research topics:
Contact Linguistics.
Minority Languages.
Minority Press.
Visual Linguistics.
Candidate's own projects accepted after priorarr angements.

Supervisor’s scientific experience:
- list of publications on thewebsite: https://repo.uni.opole.pl/reports/researcherReportHtml.seam?affil=&lang=pl&cid=854835
- promoter of numerous bachelor's and master's theses, reviewer in the PhD program, member of the habilitation committee
- two open doctoral theses
- participation in international research projects

Research facilities of the implemented project, possibilities of international mobility of th edoctoral student, possibilities of employing the doctoral student in implemented projects or grants:
- research facilities for projects: library resources in the Main Library ofthe UO andthe Library ofthe Cathedralof German Language and Literature of the UO
- access to online databases
opportunities for international mobility of doctoral students:
- participation in scientific meetings (conferences, international exchanges)
- the possibility of applying for researc hfunding and tripst of oreign research in stitutions on their own or/and preparing a joint application for such funding

Other Promoter's requirements for the applicant:high levelofmaster'sthesis in German philology, aptitude to undertake scientific research.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.uni.opole.pl