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German Philology – Teacher Training Programme (1-PRK-FGL.S.M.2)

(in Polish: Germanistik – Lehramt, II stopień, 2-letnie, stacjonarne)
Master's degree studies
full time, 2 years
Language: German

Informacje ogólne

Studia na kierunku Germanistik-Lehramt dostosowane są do realnych potrzeb rynku pracy, a jednocześnie spełniają oczekiwania i zainteresowania studiujących. Wysoko wykwalifikowana kadra naukowo-dydaktyczna zapewnia studentom odpowiedni poziom nauczania i pomaga zdobywać im wykształcenie, dzięki któremu są  konkurencyjni na trudnym rynku pracy.
W myśl Uchwały Senatu Uniwersytetu Opolskiego nr 291/2016-2020 z dn. 21.05.2020, kandydaci na studia nauczycielskie w swojej dokumentacji składają zaświadczenie lekarskie o zdolności do studiowania na kierunku nauczycielskim zgodnie z obowiązującymi uregulowaniami prawnymi.

Czego uczy się na germanistyce?

Studenci mają możliwość podniesienia kompetencji językowych, uzyskują przygotowanie ogólnohumanistyczne, pogłębiają wiedzę o języku niemieckim, realiach, kulturze i historii krajów niemieckiego obszaru językowego. Studenci zdobywają kompetencje ukierunkowane na zawód nauczyciela.

Kierunek: Germanistik-Lehramt – nauczycielski – oferuje możliwość zdobycia uprawnień do nauczania języka niemieckiego. Poza kanonem filologicznym kierunek obejmuje blok zajęć z zakresu dydaktyki i metodyki języka niemieckiego, psychologii rozwojowej i pedagogiki, praktyki ciągłe i śródroczne oraz kursy stałe do wyboru (m.in. kultura krajów niemieckojęzycznych w dydaktyce nauczania języka niemieckiego, język niemiecki jako obcy i jako ojczysty). Do głównych celów kształcenia na kierunku Germanistik-Lehramt należy uwrażliwienie przyszłych nauczycieli na potrzeby uczniów, nabycie umiejętności wykorzystywania technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w pracy dydaktycznej, projektowanie własnego, profesjonalnego rozwoju zawodowego i personalnego oraz samodzielne przygotowanie, realizacja i ewaluacja programów nauczania. 

Co wyróżnia germanistykę na UO

  • kształcimy na najwyższym uniwersyteckim poziomie
  • angażujemy studentów w projekty naukowe
  • dopasowujemy programy studiów do potrzeb nowoczesnego rynku pracy
  • traktujemy studentów po partnersku
  • umożliwiamy wyjazdy zagraniczne i praktyki (stypendia, kursy językowe, wyjazdy studyjne)
  • współpracujmy z placówkami oświatowymi w regionie (licea, gimnazja i przedszkola)
  • animujemy studentów do udziału w licznych szkoleniach
  • wspieramy działalność Koła Naukowego Germanistów
  • zapewniamy naszym studentom kontakt z największymi osobowościami świata kultury i nauki
  • współpracujemy z zagranicznymi ośrodkami germanistycznymi
  • w uzasadnionych przypadkach umożliwiamy studentom studiowanie wg indywidualnej organizacji studiów (IOS)
  • dysponujemy bogato wyposażoną biblioteką

Sylwetka absolwenta

Studia II stopnia trwają dwa lata (4 semestry). Na podstawie złożonego egzaminu magisterskiego absolwenci uzyskują tytuł magistra Germanistik-Lehramt i posiadają kompetencje językowe na poziomie C2 Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego Rady Europy.

 Szczegółowe informacje o kierunku

Wydział Filologiczny


Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Magisterium z Germanistik - Lehramt

Access to further studies:

Graduate of the programme is prepared for doctoral studies (EQF level 8) in related disciplines of the humanities or social sciences in Poland or abroad.

Professional status:

Graduate has a general humanistic education based on the knowledge of literature, culture and history of German-speaking countries, a command of spoken and written German is at C2 Level of CEFR for Languages, with a firm grasp of specialist terminology related to the domain of First and Second Language Acquisition. Graduate has a detailed understanding of the relations between language and society, including the identity of local societies and cultures. Graduate specializes in Teaching German as a Foreign and Native Language. Graduate has professional credentials in teaching German to students of all types of institutions of education.

Teaching standards

Graduate of the major German Philology, Teacher Training Practice [Germanistik-Lehramt], Master’s degree has detailed knowledge of
- the chosen facts, objects and language, literary, culture and social phenomena related to the German language and culture, and the methodology and language theories that explain intricate interdependencies among them, which is a general German philological theoretical knowledge;
- main developmental tendencies of the disciplines important for philological studies;
- methodological and subject-specific issues pertaining to philological sciences, their newest developments and directions of research;
- theories and advanced methodology and terminology applied in the science of language;
- advanced analytical methods used to interpret texts and other products of German culture within chosen theories and research schools in German linguistics;
- fundamental dilemmas in modern German philology pertaining to its research and application to solving social issues;
- economic, legal and various other conditions and concepts in connection with the research carried out in German philology and the application of its results;
- rules of industrial and intellectual property rights and the management of the resources;
- rules of functioning characteristic of the systems and institutions appropriate for the professional activity of the teacher of German (education, culture, media, translations),
- issues in connection with the speciality in Teaching German as a First or Second Language : (1) human development in the life cycle from the biological, psychological and social points of view, pertaining also to the secondary school; (2) processes of interpersonal and social communication, including pedagogical, didactic, educational and supervisory activities, and their correct applications and disruptions; (3) formation and education along with the social, cultural, psychological, biological and medical foundations of these concepts, especially with reference to secondary schools; (4) Contemporary pedagogical theories of education, learning and teaching, and the multifaceted conditioning of these processes, especially with reference to secondary schools; (5) main educational environments, their specific features and processes; (6) designing and conducting diagnostic research in pedagogical practice, with an additional view to secondary schools and including Special Educational Needs of students with various developmental deficits; (7) the structure and functions of the educational system – its aims, legal regulations, internal organization and functioning of the institutions of education, formation and care, with special focus on secondary schools; (8) children, pupils, parents and teachers being subject to pedagogical activity, and stakeholders of school education, as well as the specific ways in which correct and incorrect development influences the functioning of children and the youth; (9) the specific ways in which children with Special Educational Needs function, with focus on talented pupils; (10) methodology of performing tasks – norms, procedures and good practice applied in a chosen area of pedagogy (teaching in public schools, special schools and integration schools); (11) health and safety regulations in the institutions of education, formation and care; (12) designing one’s own professional development and promotion; (13) professional teacher ethics.

Gradate can
- use the knowledge related to the field of German philology to formulate and solve complicated issues in the use of German in an innovative way, in unexpected situations;
- formulate and analyse research problems, choose tools and methods to solve them, synthesize various ideas and viewpoints basing on the philological knowledge (with possible application of related research fields);
- perform a critical analysis and interpretation of chosen texts and products of culture characteristic of German philology with the application of original methods to evaluate their importance for and impact on the historical and cultural processes;
- communicates, also in a debate, with various circles of interlocutors on specialist topics;
- use German at C2-Level CEFR for Languages, also with reference to specialist terminology;
- assume the leading role in a team,
- plan and perform one’s own and other people’s life-long learning processes;
- apply the professional knowledge and experience acquired within the field of Teaching German as a First or Second Language, especially with reference to: (1) the observation of pedagogical situations and events; (2) applying theoretical knowledge of pedagogy and psychology to analyse and interpret pedagogical events, as well as the motifs and patterns of behaviours of their participants, also with reference to secondary schools; (3) applying theoretical knowledge in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, didactics, and subject methodology to diagnosing, analysing, formulating prognoses and choosing practical strategies in schools, including secondary schools; (4) independent acquisition of knowledge and development of one’s professional skills in connection with pedagogical, but also didactic, educational and supervisory activity, basing on different sources in Polish and German, and modern technologies; (5) diagnostic tools allowing for recognizing Special Educational Needs of the students to elaborate on the practical results of observations and to formulate practical conclusions, also with reference to secondary schools; (6) communication tools and the ability to communicate with people originating from various environments, being in different emotional conditions, to solve conflicts in a discursive way and provide good atmosphere for classroom communication, also in secondary school; (7) the evaluation of typical methods and procedures applied to perform didactic, educational and supervisory tasks, also in secondary schools; (8) the choice and usage of available materials, and methods to design and effectively perform pedagogical, didactic, educational and supervisory activities, the use of modern technologies in didactics, also in secondary schools; (9) administering education and formation processes and group cooperation; (10) animating work on the development of the participants of pedagogical processes, supporting their independence in acquiring knowledge, and inspiring them to life-long learning activities; (11) working with students, individualizing tasks and adjusting teaching methods and contents to their needs and abilities (with focus on students with Special Educational Needs) along with the changes taking place in life and science; (12) working in teams assuming different roles; undertaking and defining tasks, having basic organizational skills to perform pedagogical, educational, formational and supervisory activity, cooperating with other teachers and parents; (14) analysing one’s own pedagogical, educational, formational and supervisory activity to detect areas necessitating modification; ability to experiment and implement innovative actions; (15) designing one’s own schedule of professional development.

Graduate is ready to
- evaluate critically the received knowledge and recognize the importance of linguistic issues while solving cognitive and practical problems;
- fulfil social obligations, inspire and organize activity for social environment, and initiate activity benefitting the public in an enterprising way;
- fulfil professional duties in a responsible way, considering changing social needs, with reference to developing the professional outcome, maintaining the ethos of the industry and developing the rules of professional ethics;
- participate in various forms of cultural life;
- act competently, responsibly and ethically within the field of German linguistics;
- having completed training in Teaching German as a First or Second Language, graduate (1) has good understanding of the necessity to develop constantly both in professional and individual life, and to perform constant evaluation of one’s own professional competence that must be improved in the course of pedagogical, educational, formational and supervisory activities; (2) displays knowledge of the importance and meaning of pedagogical activities in the social environment, and readiness to accept professional undertakings with due persistence in individual and team activities resulting from the teacher’s functions; (3) is aware of the necessity of performing individualized pedagogical, educational, formational and supervisory activity with special focus on secondary schools; (4) is capable of professional reflection on following the rules of professional ethics; (5) is aware of ethical dimensions of the diagnosing and evaluating processes; (6) is responsible in designing and performing pedagogical, educational, formational and supervisory activities; (7) is ready to undertake individual and team challenges to improve the quality of school work.

Additionally, graduate has basic knowledge and understanding within the fields of (1) information technologies, text processing, using spreadsheets and databases, using presentation graphics, using networking services, acquiring and processing information, and applying information technologies in didactic activities; (2) correct functioning and pathologies of the organs of speech and well developed patterns of usage of these organs; (3) health and safety regulations in teacher’s work, including the instruction of first aid and the foundations for the caretaker’s legal responsibility.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.uni.opole.pl