Language skills: speaking 1 1.N3.EP.1
Course objectives
The aim of the course aims to train students’ communicative fluency and accuracy in speaking in English. The course prepares students for the C1 self-study exam - speaking part.
Course content
Speaking skill: discussing different topics, such as: studying at a university, social media, current social problems, personal preferences, etc.
Communication skills: training negotiation, argumentation, active listening, responsiveness, etc.; training language and pronunciation correctness.
Methods of instruction/ forms of classroom activity:
in-class discussions, pair work, oral perfomance and presentations, analysis of oral performance, analysis of language samples, error correction, ICT tools if necessary/MSTeams
Kierunek studiów
Nakład pracy studenta
Poziom studiów
Profil kształcenia
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Semestr, w którym realizowany jest przedmiot
Tryb prowadzenia
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
W cyklu 2023/24-Z: | W cyklu 2024/25-Z: | W cyklu 2022/23-Z: |
Efekty kształcenia
Learning outcomes acc to PQR 2019
1. have a proficiency in English at C1 level, know grammatical, lexical and stylistic rules of correct uses of English, as well as of various
registers to be used appropriately to social contexts (k_W07/P6S_WG, k_W03/P6S_WG)
Students can:
2. use different source materials (the Internet, library) and search, analyse, select and use information in the form of an oral presentation or
performance (k_U07/P6S_UW)
3. plan and organize individual work as well as collaborate with other students to prepare presentations in English (k_U08/P6S_UO)
4. use spoken English (relative to C1 level) correctly, fluently and effectively to discuss a variety of topics and communicate thoughts and
emotions as well as express observations and opinions in a clear manner (k_U05/P6S_UK)
Social competences
5. are well-organized and reliable as regards assignments (k_K01/P6S_KK)
Kryteria oceniania
Forms of evaluation of learning outcomes:
1. Active participation in class - 50% of the final grade (outcome: 1,2,4)
2. Performing communication tasks - 50% of the final grade (outcome: 1,2,3,4,5)
To get a credit students need to be active during lesson and perform communication skills at C1 level.
Marks are granted according to the following framework:
grade 2,0 (fail): 0–49%
grade 3,0 (average): 50–59%
grade 3,5 (plus average): 60–69%
grade 4,0 (good): 70–79%
grade 4,5 (plus good): 80–89%
grade 5,0 (very good): 90–100%
Reading list
MacAndrew Richard and Martinez Ron, 2002. Taboos and Issues. Boston : Thomson Heinle.
Online source: TED conferences -
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: