Courses at
Institute of History
- (in Polish) Historia życia prywatnego i codziennego KZ-Z-02-01-000017
- (in Polish) Life coaching KZ-H-02-27-000002
- (in Polish) Historia muzyki XVII w. 2.2.5.M-03HM
- (in Polish) Socjologia kultury 2.2.5.M-03SK
- (in Polish) Harmonia 2.2.5.M-04H
- (in Polish) Historia muzyki XIX w. 2.2.5.M-05HM
- (in Polish) Chór 2.2.5.M-06CH
- (in Polish) Organoznawstwo 2.2.5.M-02ON
- (in Polish) Muzyczny wymiar liturgii 2.2.5.M-06MWL
- (in Polish) Krajobraz historyczny 2.HiT-KH
- (in Polish) Seven questions about your child(hood) KZ-H-02-27-000014
- (in Polish) Historyczny Jezus – wstrząsające seminarium na koniec świata KZ-Z-H-02-27-000011
- (in Polish) Dlaczego papuga nie jest rudzikiem? Bo jest to logicznie niemożliwe. KZ-Z-H-02-27-000015
- (in Polish) Warsztat mentoringowy wielkich moralistów starożytności 2.1-WMWMS-DFM
- (in Polish) Curses and spells in the Greco-Roman world KZ-JO-H-02-01-000019
- piano pop music 2.2.5.M-02FMR
- : History written with paw, hoof, claw, feather, beak and fin. Animals in human history KZ-H-02-01-000035
- 16th-18th Centuries 2.HiT-WXVI-XVIII
- 19th Century 2.HiT-WXIX
- A story with a sens of humor. Humor in history KZ-H-02-01-000014
- Alternative forms of popularizing history 2.06-AFPH
- Alternative forms of teaching 2.06-AFN
- Ancient history 2.2-II-HS
- Ancient history 02.H.SL.01.HS
- Ancillary sciences to history 02.02-NPH
- Ancillary sciences to history 02.H.SL.01.NPH
- Antiquity 2.HiT-S
- Archaeological forensics - murders from thousands of years ago ... KZ-Z-H-02-01-000021
- Archival and library resources 2.HiT-ZAiB
- Archive in Poland and other European countries SUM-APiE
- Archives of political organizations and cultural associations 2.2-II-AOPiSK
- Arrangement 2.2.5.M-04A
- Arrangement II 2.2.5.M-06FA
- At the old Polish table KZ-H-02-01-000044
- Auschwitz - History and Symbolism KZ-H-02-01-000001
- Auschwitz and extermination in a documentary and feature film KZ-H-02-01-000002
- Auschwitz: history and symbols KZ-Z-H-02-01-000001
- Auxiliary sciences of history 2.HiT-NPH
- Auxiliary sciences of history 2.HiT-NPH2sem
- Bachelor proseminar 2.LIC-ProSem
- Bachelor seminar 2.2.II.1.16
- bands 2.2.5.M-04ZM
- Beauty and fashion in the culture of ancient ages KZ-H-02-01-000038
- Censorship on Polish territories in the 20th century KZ-H-02-01-000016
- Continuos practice of social studies (primary school) SUM-PraktykaC(WOSSP)
- Continuos practice of social studies (secondary school) SUM-PraktyC(WOSSPP)
- Continuous practice of history (primary school) SUM-PraktykaC(SP)
- Continuous practice of history (secondary school) SUM-PraktykaC(SPP)
- Continuous practice of WOS and HiT (secondary school) SUM-PrakCWOSiHiTspp
- Course expanding the knowledge of society LIC-PPWS
- Course expanding the knowledge of society 02.H.SL.01. PPWS
- Cultural heritage of Silesia 2.HiT-DKŚ3sem
- Cultural heritage of Silesia 2.HiT-DKŚ2sem
- Didactics of history in primary school SUM-DHwSP2sem
- Didactics of social studies (primary school) SUM-DWoS2sem
- Didactics of social studies (secondary school) SUM-DWOSponad3sem
- Didactics of social studies and HiT (secondary school) SUM-DWOSiHiTSPP
- Documentation in conservation offices 2.2-II-DWUK
- Ear trainig 2.2.5.M-02KS
- Ear training 2.2.5.M-01KS
- Early modern history of Poland 2.2.II.1.9
- Eastern and Western methods of achieving happiness KZ-H-02-27-000016
- Eastern Borderlands - past and present 2.HiT-KW-PiT
- Eastern Borderlands - past and present 2.HiT-KW-PiT2sem
- Elements of Ignatian exercises in philosophical counseling 2.1-ECIGN-DFM
- Elements of statistics and historical demography SUM-ESiDH
- Ethics and teacher's authority in education and popularization of history 2.06-EiANwEiPH
- Ethics in the research and popularization of History 2.06-EwBiPH
- Europe and the world through the ages 2.HiT-EiŚNPD6sem
- Forensic archeology – murders of years ago… KZ-H-02-01-000021
- Foundations of sociology and historiosophy for historians SUM-PSiHH
- General history of the 19th century 2.LIC-HPXIXw
- Generation Z - soft power in indigo color KZ-H-02-27-000012
- German Neography 2.2.5-01NN
- Hisotory of musical forms and genres 2.2.5-01HFG
- Historia w fantastyce. Fantastyka w historii - na wybranych przykładach KZ-JO-H-02-01-000005
- Historical Games 02.05-GH
- Historical narrative 2.2-LIC-NH
- Historical policy and state security KZ-H-02-01-000043
- Historical reconstruction 2.LIC-RH
- Historical tourism 2.06-TH
- History and Present SUM-HiT4sem
- History and techniques of sound recording KZ-O-02-01-100003
- History and the Present 2.HiT-HiT3sem
- History and the Present 2.HiT-HIT
- History and the Present 2.HiT-HIT2sem
- History and the Present 2.HiT-HiT4sem
- History and the Present 2.HiT-HIT5sem
- History and the Present 2.HiT-HIT6sem
- History didactics in secondary school SUM-DHwSponad3sem
- History from other side. Everyday and private life in historical terms KZ-H-02-01-000013
- History from other side. Everyday and private life in historical terms KZ-Z-H-02-01-000013
- History in fantasy - on selected examples KZ-H-02-01-000003
- History in board and computer games - on selected examples KZ-JO-H-02-01-000006
- History in board, battle and card games KZ-H-02-01-000004
- History in public space SUM-HwPP
- History in the film 2.HiT-HwF
- History of antique and medieval music 2.2.5.M-01HMAS
- History of civilisation 2.2-II-HC
- History of Cryptology KZ-H-02-01-000041