Courses at
Institute of Pedagogical Sciences
- Continuous internship 2.3.43.Z2.KRK-03PRC
- Continuous internship 2.3.04.Z.KRK-06PRA
- Continuous internship 2.3.06.D5.07-INPPRAK
- Continuous internship grades 1-3 of primary school. 2.3.08.D5.09-INPPRS
- Continuous internship grades 1-3 of primary school. 2.3.08.Z5.09-INPPRS
- Continuous internship in kindergarten 2.3.08.D5.09-INPPRP
- Continuous internship in kindergarten 2.3.08.Z5.09-INPPRP
- Cooperation of the kindergarten and school with the child's parents 2.3.08.D5.10-INPWPR
- Cooperation of the kindergarten and school with the child's parents 2.3.08.Z5.10-INPWPR
- Core course - Activation of seniors in the local community 2.3.04.KRK-01KK22
- Core course - Current issues in social work 2.3.04.KRK-06KK22
- Core course - e-Social work and digital society 2.3.04.KRK-04KK23
- Core course - e-Social work and digital society 2.3.04.KRK-04KK22
- Core course - e-Social work and digital society 2.3.04.Z.KRK-05KK23
- Core course - Gerontological social work 2.3.04.KRK-01KK23
- Core course - Positive prevention workshop 2.3.04.KRK-03KK22
- Core course - Positive prevention workshop 2.3.04.Z.KRK-03KK22
- Core course - Positive prevention workshop 2.3.04.KRK-03KK23
- Core course - Social work with families 2.3.04.KRK-02KK22
- Core course - Workshop on the development of older people 2.3.04.Z.KRK-04KK22
- Core course: Activation of the elderly in the local community 2.3.04.KRK-06KK23
- Core course: Activation of the elderly in the local community 2.3.04.Z.KRK-06KK23
- Core course: Critical sociology 02.06-S2-KKSK
- Corel course - Institutions and programs supporting seniors 2.3.04.KRK-02KK23
- Counselling and work with the family of a child with disease and disability 2.3.07.D3.06-POPP
- Counselling and work with the family of a child with disease and disability 2.3.07.Z3.06-POPN
- Course in modern language 2.3.46.D2.04-INPKJN
- Course in modern language 2.3.46.Z2.04-INPKJN
- Course in modern language 2.3.07.D3.06-INPKN22
- Course in modern language 2.3.07.D3.06-INPKN23
- Creating the image of a contemporary educational institution KZ-Z-S-02-02-000010
- Creating the image of safe and innovative school in the local environment KZ-S-02-02-000056
- Creative thinking Workshop 2.3.04.KRK-01WTM
- Critical sociology 02.06-S-SAK
- Critical text analysis 02.06-S-AKT
- Cultural and educational activities in rehabilitation centers 2.3.46.D2.03-RSDK
- Cultural anthropology 02.06-S-AK
- Cultural anthropology 2.3.46.D2.02-INPAK
- Culture and Economy 02.06-S2-EN-CAE
- Cultures in Dialogue and Conflict 02.06-S2-EN-CIDAC
- Dance and eurhythmics in kindergarten and primary school (grades 1 to 3) 2.3.08.D5.09-INPTR
- Dance and eurhythmics in kindergarten and primary school (grades 1 to 3) 2.3.08.Z5.09-INPTR
- Demography 02.06-S-D
- Developmental psychology of child in the age of preschool and elementary education (B) 2.3.08.D5.03-INPPRD
- Developmental psychology of child in the age of preschool and elementary education (B) 2.3.08.Z5.03-INPPRD
- Developmental psychology of child in the age of preschool and elementary education I 2.3.08.D5.02-INPPRD1
- Developmental psychology of child in the age of preschool and elementary education I 2.3.08.Z5.02-INPPRD1
- Diagnosing and working with a gifted child in kindergarten and grades 1-3 2.3.08.D5.09-INPDDZ
- Diagnosing and working with a gifted child in kindergarten and grades 1-3 2.3.08.Z5.09-INPDDZ
- Diagnosis and intervention in social work 2.3.43.Z2.KRK-03DIPS
- Diagnosis of persons with special educational needs 2.3.46.Z2.03-KWDO
- Diagnosis of persons with special educational needs 2.3.46.D2.03-KWDO
- Diagnosis of special educational needs 2.3.06.D5.05-INPDSP
- Diagnosis of special educational needs 2.3.06.D5.06-INPDS
- Diagnostic and experimental tests in pedagogy 2.3.07.D3.02-INPBDEP
- Diagnostic and experimental tests in pedagogy 2.3.07.Z3.02-INPBDE
- Diagnostic techniques and tools in social work 2.3.04.KRK-04TND
- Diagnostic techniques and tools in social work 2.3.04.Z.KRK-04TND
- Diagnostics in special education 2.3.06.D5.04-INPDP
- Dilemmas of a beginner teacher and educator KZ-Z-S-02-02-000029
- Dilemmas of a beginner teacher and educator KZ-S-02-02-000029
- Diploma Seminar 2.3.07.Z3.04-POSD
- Diploma seminar 2.3.07.D3.04-INPSD
- Diploma Seminar 2.3.07.D3.05-INPSD
- Diploma Seminar 2.3.07.Z3.05-POSD
- Diploma Seminar 2.3.07.D3.06-INPSD
- Diploma Seminar 2.3.07.Z3.06-POSD
- Diploma Seminar 2.3.06.D5.07-INPSD
- Diploma Seminar 2.3.06.D5.08-INPSD
- Diploma Seminar 2.3.06.D5.10-INPSD
- Diploma Seminar 2.3.06.D5.09-INPSD
- Diploma seminar - social project 2.3.04.KRK-04SDPS
- Diploma seminar - social project 2.3.04.KRK-04SR
- Diploma seminar - social project 2.3.04.KRK-05SDPS
- Diploma seminar - social project 2.3.04.KRK-06SDPS
- Diploma seminar - social project 2.3.04.Z.KRK-04SDPS
- Disability and social rehabilitation of disabled persons 2.3.04.KRK-06NRON
- Discontinuous educational and didactic practice in kindergarten 2.3.08.D5.06-INPPRAK
- Discontinuous educational and didactic practice in kindergarten 2.3.08.Z5.06-INPPRAK
- Discontinuous educational and teaching practice in grades I-III of primary school 2.3.08.D5.07-INPPWD
- Discontinuous educational and teaching practice in grades I-III of primary school 2.3.08.Z5.07-INPPWD
- Dynamic of change of contemporary Polish society 02.06-S-DZWSP
- Ecological education in pre-schools and grades I-III 2.3.46.Z2.03-KWEE
- Ecological education in pre-schools and grades I-III 2.3.46.D2.03-KWEE
- Economics 02.06-S-E
- Education law and the legal basis of the profession of a special educator 2.3.06.D5.02-INPPO
- Education of BHP 2.3-INPBHP
- Education of BHP 2.3-Z-INPBHP
- Education research methodology 2.3.06.D5.07-INPMBP
- Education through work and for work - selected issues of contemporary labour pedagogy KZ-S-02-02-000046
- Educational and vocational counseling KZ-S-02-02-000057
- Educational diagnostics 2.3.07.D3.04-PODP
- Educational diagnostics 2.3.06.D5.03-INPDP
- Educational diagnostics 2.3.07.Z3.04-PODP
- Educational diagnostics 2.3.07.D3.05-PRDP
- Educational law 2.3.08.D5.01-INPPRO
- Educational law 2.3.08.Z5.01-INPPRO
- Educational law 2.3.46.D2.04-KWPO
- Educational law 2.3.46.Z2.04-KWPO
- Educational programmes in inclusive and integraing education 2.3.06.D5.09-INPPWE