Courses on The University of Opole
- International private law 9.PR.Z5.7.PMPry
- International Prognostics 4.17.E.518
- International protection of human rights 12.02.D2.MOPC
- International public law 9.6-A-PmP
- International public law 9.6.Z-III-PmP
- International public law 9.7-N-PMP
- International public law 9.7.Z-PMP
- International public law 9.6-BW-PmP
- International public law 9.6.Z-BW-PmP
- International public law 9.4.Z-BW-MWP
- International public law 12.04.D3.PMP
- International public law 12.02.D3.PMP
- International public law 9.2-BW-MRP
- International public law 9.2-A-MPE
- International public law 9.1-PME
- International public law 9.BW.D3.2.MPPub
- International public law 9.BW.Z3.2.MPPub
- International public law 9.PR.D5.5.PMPub
- International public law 9.PR.Z5.5.PMPub
- International Relations 12.07.D2.IR
- International security 12.07.D2.IS
- International Social Policy 12.02.D2.MPS
- International Space Law 9.8-BW-WOI
- International traineeship in local FORTHEM Office 12.01.T.ITLFO
- Internationals Forecasting and Simulations 12.02.D2.PISM
- Internet markets 4.E.1
- Internet safety KZ-03-02-00006N
- Internet safety KZ-O-03-02-000006
- Internet safety KZ-JO-O-03-02-000025
- Internship 6.10-PZ
- Internship 02.06-S-PRZ
- Internship 3.1.KRK.12SX.PraZa
- Internship 6.17-PZ
- Internship 4.B.N.443.FiR
- Internship 1.S3.ED.48
- Internship 6.19-PZ
- Internship 6.22.Z-PZ
- Internship 2.HiT-Prakzaw.2sem
- Internship 2.HiT-Prakzaw.4sem
- Internship 6.15.BTM-PZ
- Internship 9.7.Z-PZ-war
- Internship 9.5-BO-IV-PKZ
- Internship 1.S3.LS.49
- Internship 14-KOS-D2.2-PZ
- Internship 2.3.06.D5.03-INPPRA
- Internship 2.3.06.D5.04-INPPRA
- Internship 1.S3.EPC.43
- Internship 1.S3.GS.34
- Internship 1.S3.JPJN.81
- Internship 1.S3.LJPO.69
- Internship 1.S3.GER.60
- Internship 9.9-BO-PKZ
- Internship 2.3.06.D5.05-INPPRAK
- Internship 14-KOS-D2.1-PZ
- Internship 2.3.06.D5.06-INPPRAK
- Internship 1.N3.EP.58
- Internship 1.S3.EP.58
- Internship 1.S3.FRP1.47
- Internship 1.S3.GRM.60
- Internship 4.B.443.E
- Internship 4.B.443.FiR
- Internship 4.B.443.L
- Internship 4.B.443.Z
- Internship 4.B.443.IB
- Internship 2.3.06.D5.08-INPPRAK
- Internship 14-KOS-D2.3-PZ
- Internship 4.L.P.49
- Internship 4.L.P.50
- Internship - Emergency Medical Care 11.LEK.D6.10.106Z
- Internship - Intensive Care 11.LEK.D6.10.107Z
- Internship - administration 4.B.445
- Internship - Gynaecology and Obstetrics 11.LEK.D6.10.108Z
- Internship - Internal Medicine 11.LEK.D6.6.62z
- Internship - Patient Care 11.LEK.D6.2.19z
- Internship - project work 4.B.446
- Internship – Outpatient Health Service (Family Medicine) 11.LEK.D6.10.105Z
- Internship – Paediatrics 11.LEK.D6.4.41z
- Internship – Paediatrics 11.LEK.D6.6.63z
- Internship – Surgery 11.LEK.D6.8.86z
- Internship 1 1.S3.JAT.PP.45
- Internship 1 1.S3.EP.PP.BE.7
- Internship 2 1.S3.JAT.PP.46
- Internship 2 1.S3.EP.PP.BE.8
- Internship 3 1.S3.JAT.PP.47
- Internship 4 1.S3.JAT.PP.51
- Internship in child nutrition (in hospital/nursery/pre-school/school) 14-DIE-D3.3-PZDz
- Internship in child nutrition (in hospital/nursery/pre-school/school) 14-DIE-N3.3-PZDz
- Internship in clinical physiotherapy, physical therapy and massage 14-FT-D5.10-PZZFKFIM
- Internship in dietetics or metabolic diseases clinic 14-DIE-D3.4-PPDLCHM
- Internship in dietetics or metabolic diseases clinic 14-DIE-N3.4-PPDLCHM
- Internship in food technology 14-DIE-D3.6-PTP
- Internship in food technology 14-DIE-N3.6-PTP
- Internship in hospital 14-DIE-D2.1-PwS
- Internship in hospital for adults 14-DIE-D3.5-PSZD
- Internship in hospital for adults 14-DIE-N3.5-PSZD
- Internship in social care centres 14-DIE-D3.6-PPOS
- Internship in social care centres 14-DIE-N3.6-PPOS
- Internship in the field of skin care and beautifying cosmetology 14-KOS-D3-PKPiU-W/1
- Internship in the field of skin care and beautifying cosmetology 14-KOS-D3.3-PKPiU
- Internship in the field of skin care and beautifying cosmetology 14-KOS-D3.4-PKPiU