Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences 02020000
Long-cycle studies:
- (in Polish) Pedagogika specjalna, jednolite magisterskie, 5-letnie, niestacjonarne
- (in Polish) Psychologia
- (in Polish) Psychologia
- Preschool and early childhood pedagogy
- Preschool and early childhood pedagogy
- Special Pedagogy
First-cycle studies:
- (in Polish) Bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe, stacjonarne I stopnia
- (in Polish) Coaching filozoficzny - profil praktyczny, I stopień, 3-letnie, stacjonarne
- (in Polish) Coaching filozoficzny, stacjonarne I stopnia
- (in Polish) Filozofia dzienna licencjacka
- (in Polish) Filozofia-etyka dzienna licencjacka
- (in Polish) Historia i teraźniejszość 40+
- (in Polish) Historia, dzienne licencjackie
- (in Polish) Muzykologia I stopień, 3-letnie, stacjonarne
- (in Polish) Muzykologia nauczycielska z edukacją artystyczną
- (in Polish) Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego
- (in Polish) Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego
- (in Polish) Pedagogika
- (in Polish) Pedagogika
- (in Polish) Pedagogika - higiena pracy z doradztwem zawodowym
- (in Polish) Pedagogika pracy z doradztwem zawodowym
- (in Polish) Pedagogika pracy z doradztwem zawodowym
- (in Polish) Praca socjalna
- (in Polish) Praca socjalna
- (in Polish) Public Relations, I stopień, 3-letnie, stacjonarne
- (in Polish) Socjologia - profil praktyczny, I stopień, 3-letnie, stacjonarne
- (in Polish) Socjologia, studia licencjackie stacjonarne
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie publiczne - profil praktyczny, I stopień, 3-letnie, stacjonarne
- Creative and media education
- Cultural management and art therapy
- Curative pedagogy with oligophrenopedagogy
- Design and Social Communication
- Design and Social Communication
- Early childhood teacher education with natural science
- Early school education with pre-school education
- Early school education with pre-school education
- Management and communication in institutions
- Media pedagogy with artistic education
- Occupational hygiene with career guidance
- Pedagogy Preschool and early childhood pedagogy with English
- Pedagogy Preschool and early childhood pedagogy with English
- Preschool and early childhood teacher education with art education
- Protective-educational and therapeutic teacher education
- Protective-educational and therapeutic teacher education
- Social rehabilitation and social prevention
- Social work
- Special Pedagogy, Speciality: Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
- Teacher education of small children with preschool education
- Teacher education of small children with preschool education
- Therapeutic pedagogy with oligophrenopedagogy
Second-cycle studies:
- (in Polish) Doradztwo filozoficzne z mentoringiem - profil praktyczny, II stopień, 2-letnie, stacjonarne
- (in Polish) Filozofia, stacjonarne II stopień
- (in Polish) Historia, dzienne uzupełniające
- (in Polish) Muzykologia, II stopień, 2-letnie, stacjonarne
- (in Polish) Pedagogika
- (in Polish) Pedagogika
- (in Polish) Pedagogika pracy z doradztwem zawodowym
- (in Polish) Pedagogika sp. planowanie i zarządzanie w edukacji
- (in Polish) Pedagogika, sp. pracownik służb społecznych z językiem niemieckim
- (in Polish) Public Relations, II stopień, 2-letnie, stacjonarne
- (in Polish) Socjologia - profil praktyczny, II stopień, 2-letnie, stacjonarne
- (in Polish) Socjologia problemów społecznych, stacjonarne 2. stopnia
- (in Polish) Socjologia sp. Intercultural Communication, II stopień, 2-letnie, stacjonarne
- (in Polish) Socjologia, studia uzupełniające magisterskie, niestacjonarne
- (in Polish) Socjologia: Komunikacja międzykulturowa, stacjonarne 2. stopnia
- (in Polish) Socjologia: Komunikacja społeczna, niestacjonarne 2. stopnia
- Creative and media education
- Curative pedagogy with oligophrenopedagogy
- Curative pedagogy with oligophrenopedagogy
- Early school education with correction gymnastics
- Early school education with pre-school education
- Early school education with pre-school education
- Educational and cultural teacher education
- Elementary education with a foreign language
- Elementary education with pedagogic therapy
- Elementary education with pedagogic therapy
- Media pedagogy with artistic education
- Padagogy of work with vocational advising
- Pedagogy of nursing and pre-school education
- Pedagogy of nursing and pre-school education
- Pedagogy of nursing and pre-school education
- Planning and management in education
- Planning and management in education
- Rehabilitation pedagogy
- Rehabilitation pedagogy
- Social Work
- Social Work
- Sociological Research in Social Pracitice
- Sociology
- Sociology of local and regional communites
- Sociology of local and regional communites
- Teacher education of small children with preschool education
- Teacher education of small children with preschool education
- Therapeutic pedagogy with oligophrenopedagogy
- Therapy of students with difficulties in learning and behavior
Third-cycle studies:
- (in Polish) Filozofia studia doktoranckie
- (in Polish) Historia studia doktoranckie
- (in Polish) Historia studia doktoranckie
- (in Polish) Pedagogika studia doktoranckie
Studies in foreign language:
- (in Polish) Psychologia
- (in Polish) Socjologia sp. Intercultural Communication, II stopień, 2-letnie, stacjonarne
- Sociology
Other studies:
Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole
+48 77 452 74 01 (komisja rekrutacyjna +48 77 452 74 30)