Courses at
Faculty of Philology
- Speech therapist workshop 1.S3.LJPO.32
- Speech therapy for the child with palatolalia 1.S3.LJPO.46
- Speech therapy for the deaf, hearing-impaired and blind 1.S3.LJPO.41
- Speech therapy for the deaf, hearing-impaired and blind 1.S3.LJPO.42
- Speech therapy for the intellectually disabled 1.S3.LJPO.43
- Speech therapy for the intellectually disabled 1.S3.LJPO.44
- Speech therapy practice 1 1.S2.L.PP.22
- Speech therapy practice 2 1.S2.L.PP.23
- Statistical analysis 1 1.N2.EP.TTP.AP.20
- Statistical analysis 1 1.S2.EP.TTP.AP.20
- Statistical analysis 2 1.N2.EP.TTP.AP.21
- Statistical analysis 2 1.S2.EP.TTP.AP.21
- Stress Management 1.2.5-EC-SM
- Stylistic and literary workshops 1.S3.ED.35
- Stylistics 1.S3.LS.19
- Stylistics 1.S3.LS.82
- Stylistics of English Texts 1 1.S2.JB.21
- Stylistics of texts written in Russian 1 1.S3.JBZ.19
- Stylistics of texts written in Russian 2 1.S3.JBZ.20
- Stylistics of texts written in Russian 3 1.S3.JBZ.21
- Stylistics of texts written in Russian 4 1.S3.JBZ.22
- Stylistics of texts written in Russian 5 1.S3.JB.23
- Stylistics of texts written in Russian 5 1.S3.JBZ.23
- Subject didactics (post-primary school) 1.S2.FP.NJPO.10
- Subject didactics (post-primary school) 1.S2.FP.NJPO.11
- Subject didactics (primary school) 1.S2.FP.NJPO.8
- Subject didactics (primary school) 1.S2.FP.NJPO.9
- Subject Seminar 1 1.S3.EPC.44
- Subject Seminar 2 1.S3.EPC.45
- Supplementary language teaching course 2: 1.S2.FP.NJPO.19.2
- Supplementary language teaching course 2: Methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign language 1.S2.FP.NJPO.19.1
- Supplementary linguistic course 1: 1.S2.FP.NJPO.23.3
- Supplementary linguistic course 1: Polish as compared to other languages 1.S2.FP.NJPO.23.2
- Supplementary literature and culture teaching course 2: 1.S2.FP.NJPO.17.1
- Supplementary literature course 1: 1.S3.ED.55.3
- Supplementary literature course 1: 1.S3.ED.55.4
- Supplementary literature course 2 1.S3.ED.56.4
- Supplementary literature course 3: 1.S3.ED.57.1
- Supplementary literature course 4: 1.S3.ED.58.1
- Supplementary literature course 5: 1.S3.ED.59
- Supplementary subject in cultural and literary education 1: 1.S2.FP.NJPO.16.2
- Supplementary subject in cultural and literary education 1: Towards reading 1.S2.FP.NJPO.16.1
- Supplementary subject in the field of language education 1: 1.S2.FP.NJPO.18.2
- Supplementary subject in the field of language education 1: Effective communication (of each other) at school 1.S2.FP.NJPO.18.1
- Supplementary subject in the field of linguistics 2: 1.S2.FP.NJPO.24
- Supplementary subject in the field of literary studies 1: 1.S2.FP.NJPO.20.1
- Supplementary subject in the field of literary studies 2: 1.S2.FP.NJPO.21.3
- Supplementary subject in the field of literary studies 2: Classics beyond stereotypes 1.S2.FP.NJPO.21.1
- Supplementary subject in the field of literary studies 3: 1.S2.FP.NJPO.22.2
- Switzerland and the Swiss between the past and the present KZ-JO-H-01-08-000002
- Sworn translation 1.S3.EP.TS.8
- Sworn translation 1.S3.EP.TS.10
- Syntax 1.S3.FRP1.42
- Teacher training internship (primary school) 1.N2.EP.TTP.AP.50
- Teacher training internship (primary school) 1.S2.EP.TTP.AP.50
- Teacher training internship (secondary school) 1.S2.EP.TTP.AP.51
- Teacher training intership (secondary school) 1.N2.EP.TTP.AP.51
- Teaching English to students with developmental dyslexia 1.2.5-EC-TESDD
- Teaching English to students with developmental dyslexia 1.2.5-EC-Z-TESDD
- Technical language course German 1.S2.GRM.7
- Technical languages of the social sciences 1 1.S2.GRM.5
- Technical languages of the social sciences 2 1.S2.GRM.6
- Technical translation 1.S2.GRM.FMK.6
- Technologies of the self 1.S3.MC.17
- Terminology 1.S3.FRP1.P.4
- Testing methods in humanities 2 1.S2.FP.10
- Text analysis for specific purposes 1.S3.EP.PP.25
- Text linguistics 1.S3.LS.17
- Text production 1 1.S3.GER.20
- Text production 1 1.S3.GRM.20
- Text production 2 1.S3.GER.21
- Text production 2 1.S3.GRM.21
- Text stylistics 1.S3.ED.30
- Text stylistics 1.S3.DKW.18
- Text stylistics 1.S3.FP1.34
- The Anthropology of Death KZ-H-01-07-000010
- The art of conducting a discussion 1.S3.FP1.HA.5
- The art of negotiation and mediation 1.S3.ED.ZW.13
- The art of negotiation and mediation 1.S3.ED.Z.W.13
- The Balkans from the backstage KZ-H-01-08-000005
- The basics of doing business 1.S3.JB.63
- The basics of programming 1.S3.GS.11
- The Body, Gender and Culture KZ-H-01-07-000011
- The book and magazine market 1.S3.ED.ZW.9
- The book and magazine market 1.S3.ED.Z.W.9
- The culture of pulp and comics 1.S3.GS.PNM.11
- The dialogue between the creator and the recipient 1.S3.FRP1.SAKJF.5
- The History of Game Design 1.S2.DC.1
- The language of an internet KZ-H-01-07-000026
- The language of modern media KZ-H-01-07-000007
- The language of new media 1.S2.DC.14
- The Other in Business Communication 1.S3.EPC.EB.2
- The Other in Public Communication 1.S3.EPC.EM.2
- The social impact of games 1.S3.GS.PP.32
- The subject of linguistics 1.S2.FP.KF.10
- The Word of cartoons and Disney animations in cultural context KZ-H-01-07-000024
- Theoretical background in pedagogy 1.N2.EP.TTP.AP.29
- Theoretical background in pedagogy 1.N2.EP.TTP.AP.31
- Theoretical background in pedagogy 1.S2.EP.TTP.AP.30
- Theoretical background in pedagogy 1.S2.EP.TTP.AP.31