Courses at
Institute of Pedagogical Sciences
- Methodology of mathematics education in kindergarten and grades I-III (B) 2.3.08.Z5.07-INPMEMB
- Methodology of music education in kindergarten and grades 1-3 of primary school 2.3.08.D5.06-INPMEM
- Methodology of music education in kindergarten and grades 1-3 of primary school 2.3.08.Z5.06-INPMEM
- Methodology of pedagogical research with elements of statistics 2.3.08.D5.07-INPMBP
- Methodology of pedagogical research with elements of statistics 2.3.08.Z5.07-INPMBP
- Methodology of physical education in kindergarten and grades I-III 2.3.08.D5.07-INPMWF
- Methodology of physical education in kindergarten and grades I-III 2.3.08.Z5.07-INPMWF
- Methodology of Polish language education in kindergarten and grades I-III (A) 2.3.08.D5.06-INPMEP
- Methodology of Polish language education in kindergarten and grades I-III (A) 2.3.08.Z5.06-INPMEP
- Methodology of Polish language education in kindergarten and grades I-III (B) 2.3.08.D5.07-INPMEPB
- Methodology of Polish language education in kindergarten and grades I-III (B) 2.3.08.Z5.07-INPMEPB
- Methodology of social rehabilitation in an open environment 2.3.07.D3.05-PRMR
- Methodology of social science 02.06-S2-MNS
- Methodology of Social Sciences 02.06-S2-EN-MOSC
- Methodology of social sciences 2.3.43.Z2.KRK-01MNS
- Methodology of social studies 2.3.46.D2.01-INPMBS
- Methodology of social work 2.3.04.KRK-03MPS
- Methodology of social work 2.3.04.KRK-04MPS
- Methodology of social work 2.3.04.KRK-05MPS
- Methodology of social work 2.3.04.Z.KRK-03MPS
- Methodology of social work 2.3.04.Z.KRK-04MPS
- Methodology of socio-natural education in kindergarten and grades I-III 2.3.08.D5.06-INPMSP
- Methodology of socio-natural education in kindergarten and grades I-III 2.3.08.Z5.06-INPMSP
- Methodology of supporting the development of children with special educational needs 2.3.07.D3.04-POMWR
- Methodology of supporting the development of children with special educational needs 2.3.07.Z3.04-POMW
- Methodology of teaching a foreign language to children 2.3.08.D5.09-INPMNJ
- Methodology of teaching a foreign language to children 2.3.08.Z5.09-INPMNJ
- Methodology of technical education in kindergarten and grades I-III 2.3.08.D5.06-INPMET
- Methodology of technical education in kindergarten and grades I-III 2.3.08.Z5.06-INPMET
- Methodology of theatre education in grades 1-3 2.3.46.Z2.03-KWME
- Methodology of theatre education in grades 1-3 2.3.46.D2.03-KWMET
- Methodology of work in integrated classes I-III 2.3.46.D2.04-KWMP
- Methodology of work in integrated classes I-III 2.3.46.Z2.04-KWMP
- Methods and techniques of social research I 02.06-S-MTBS-1
- Methods and techniques of social research II 02.06-S-MTBS-2
- Methods and techniques of social research II 02.06-DKS-MTBS-2
- Methods of social and educational work 2.3.07.D3.03-POMP
- Methods of social and educational work 2.3.07.Z3.03-POMP
- Methods of therapy work 2.3.07.D3.05-POMPT
- Methods of therapy work 2.3.07.Z3.05-POMP
- Mid-year internship 2.3.04.KRK-02PŚ
- Migration and Cultural Contact 02.06-S2-EN-MCC
- Models and strategies supporting the child's education 2.3.08.D5.10-INPMS
- Models and strategies supporting the child's education 2.3.08.Z5.10-INPMS
- Modern problems of general and social psychology 2.3.46.D2.01-INPWPP
- Modern sociological theory I 02.06-S-WTS-1
- Modern sociological theory II 02.06-S-WTS-2
- Module Course 5 02.06-S2-M5
- Monographic lecture- Migration issues in Great Britain 02.06-S2-EM-MLMIGB
- Non-governmental organizations and voluntary in child care system 2.3.46.Z2.04-POOPW
- Non-governmental organizations and voluntary in child care system 2.3.46.D2.04-POOPW
- Organisation of inclusive education 2.3.06.D5.08-INPOE
- Organization of kindergarten and school work 2.3.08.D5.02-INPOPP
- Organization of kindergarten and school work 2.3.08.Z5.02-INPOPP
- Pathology in educational circles 2.3.07.D3.03-PRPSW
- Pedagogical innovations 2.3.46.D2.04-KWIP
- Pedagogical innovations 2.3.46.Z2.04-KWIP
- Pedagogics of care 2.3.07.D3.03-POPO
- Pedagogics of care 2.3.07.Z3.03-POPO
- Pedagogy of creativity 2.3.08.D5.01-INPPT
- Pedagogy of creativity 2.3.08.Z5.01-INPPT
- Pedagogy of culture 2.3.07.D3.02-INPPK
- Pedagogy of culture 2.3.07.Z3.02-INPPK
- Pedagogy of family 2.3.07.D3.04-POPR
- Pedagogy of family 2.3.07.Z3.04-POPR
- Pedeutology 2.3.46.D2.01-INPPE
- Pedeutology 2.3.08.D5.02-INPP
- Pedeutology 2.3.08.Z5.02-INPP
- Penitentiary science 2.3.07.D3.04-PRPE
- Personal development planning 2.3.43.Z2.KRK-04PRO
- Philosophy 2.3.06.D5.01-INPFIL
- Philosophy 02.06-S-F
- Philosophy and critical thinking 2.3.08.D5.02-INPFMK
- Philosophy and critical thinking 2.3.08.Z5.02-INPFMK
- Playing a musical instrument 2.3.08.D5.08-INPGIM
- Playing a musical instrument 2.3.08.Z5.08-INPGIM
- Polish language and culture 02.06-S2-EN-JKP
- Preparation and implementation of a research project - sociology in action (selectable) 02.06-S-PRPR-SD
- Prevention of behavioral addictions KZ-S-02-02-000032
- Prevention of social maladjustment 2.3.46.D2.03-RSPN
- Preventive project 2.3.07.D3.05-PRPP
- Proceedings in evaluation research 02.06-S2-EN-PIER
- Professional development of a correctional educator 2.3.07.D3.04-PRRP
- Project evaluation KZ-S-02-02-000058
- Protection of individuals and family in the social welfare system 2.3.43.Z2.KRK-03OJR
- Psycho-pedagogical help for children with special educational needs 2.3.46.D2.02-POWPP
- Psychological aspects of development of individuals and family 2.3.43.Z2.KRK-01PARJ
- Psychological basis of the teacher's work (B) 2.3.08.D5.03-INPPPN
- Psychological basis of the teacher's work (B) 2.3.08.Z5.03-INPPPN
- Psychological basis of the teacher's work I 2.3.08.D5.02-INPPPP
- Psychological basis of the teacher's work I 2.3.08.Z5.02-INPPPP
- Psychology of child and adolescent development 2.3.06.D5.01-INPPRD
- Psychopedagogical basis of teaching foreign language to children 2.3.08.D5.08-INPPPJO
- Psychopedagogical basis of teaching foreign language to children 2.3.08.Z5.08-INPPPJO
- Psychopedagogical rudiments of therapy 2.3.07.D3.04-POPPT
- Psychopedagogical rudiments of therapy 2.3.07.Z3.04-POPT
- Psychosocial functioning of adults with disabilities 2.3.06.D5.07-INPPF
- Psychosocial functioning of adults with disabilities 2.3.06.D5.09-INPPPR
- Public relations in social work 2.3.04.KRK-06PRPS
- Rehabilitation pedagogy 2.3.07.D3.03-PRPR