Courses at
Institute of Psychology
- Psycho-oncology: theory and practice 2.5-KZK006
- Psychobiology 2.5-PSBIOL
- Psychobiology 2.5.E-PSBIOL
- Psychobiology 2.5-PSBIOL-K
- Psychobiology 2.5-PSBIOL-Z
- Psychological aid settings 2.5-KONTEKST
- Psychological aid settings 2.5-KONTEKST-Z
- Psychological aspects of procreation 2.5-KZK009
- Psychological diagnosis of the child 2.5-DIAGDZ
- Psychological diagnosis of the child 2.5-DIAGDZ-Z
- Psychological help and crisis intervention 2.5-POMOCINT
- Psychological help and crisis intervention 2.5-POMOCINT-Z
- Psychological Interview and Dialogue 2.5.E-WYWIAD
- Psychological workshops 2.5-WARPS-Z
- Psychological workshops - coping with aggression 2.5-WAR009-Z
- Psychological workshops - negotiations and mediation 2.5-WAR008-Z
- Psychological workshops - public speaking 2.5-WAR007-Z
- Psychological workshops: Coping with aggression 2.5-WAR009
- Psychological workshops: Negotiations and mediation 2.5-WAR008
- Psychological workshops: Public speaking 2.5-WAR007
- Psychology of aging and old age 2.5-WFAK89-Z
- Psychology of creativity 2.5-KZK027
- Psychology of creativity 2.5-KZK027-Z
- Psychology of globalization 2.5-W-MON-96
- Psychology of happiness 2.5-KZK028-Z
- Psychology of Health in the Life Cycle 2.5-PSZDR-CYKL
- Psychology of Health in the Life Cycle 2.5-PSZDR-CYKL-Z
- Psychology of individual differences 2.5-PSROZNIC
- Psychology of individual differences 2.5-PSROZNIC-Z
- Psychology of individual differences 2.5-PSROZNIC-K
- Psychology of management 2.5-PSZARZ
- Psychology of management 2.5-PSZARZ-Z
- Psychology of procreations 2.5-KZK021
- Psychology of social conflict 2.5-KONFLIKT
- Psychology of social conflict 2.5-KONFLIKT-Z
- Psychology of sport and recreation 2.5-PSSPORT
- Psychology of sport and recreation 2.5-PSSPORT-Z
- Psychology of the intellectually disabled 2.5-W-MON-90-Z
- Psychometric: questionnaire theory 2.5-PSYMETR-TK
- Psychometric: questionnaire theory 2.5-PSYMETR-TK-Z
- Psychopathology - advanced course 2.5-PPAT-ZA
- Psychopathology - advanced course 2.5-PPAT-ZA-Z
- Psychoprophylaxis 2.5-PSYCHOPROF
- Psychoprophylaxis 2.5-PSYCHOPROF-Z
- Psychotherapeutic methods 2.5-METPSYCH-Z
- Qualitative and quantitative methods 2.5-METJAKIL
- Qualitative and quantitative methods 2.5-METJAKIL-Z
- Qualitative Data Analysis in Clinical Practice: A Case Study 2.5-ANALIZA-PK
- Qualitative Data Analysis in Clinical Practice: A Case Study 2.5-ANALIZA-PK-Z
- Quality of life Psychology 2.5-W-MON-88
- Questionnaires and tests development lab 2.5-TRKWEST
- Questionnaires and tests development lab 2.5-TRKWEST-Z
- Reading and writing workshop 2.5-WARART
- Reading and writing workshop 2.5.E-WARART
- Reading and writing workshop 2.5-WARART-Z
- Recruitment and selection 2.5-REKRUT
- Recruitment and selection 2.5-REKRUT-Z
- Research methods in community psychology 2.5-METBADPS
- Research methods in community psychology 2.5-METBADPS-Z
- Research methods in health psychology 2.5-METBADZDR
- Research methods in health psychology 2.5-METBADZDR-Z
- Satisfaction and achievement at work 2.5-SATPR
- Satisfaction and achievement at work 2.5-SATPR-Z
- Self-Presentation/Public speaking (workshop) 2.5.E-WAR007
- Sexuology 2.5-KZK026
- Social exclusion 2.5-KZK024
- Social psychology 2.5-PSSPOL
- Social psychology 2.5-PSSPOL-Z
- Social psychology 2.5.E-PSSPOL
- Social psychology 2.5-PSSPOL-K
- Specialist English in the field of psychology 2.5-JANG9-B2p
- Specialist English in the field of psychology level B2+ 2.5-JANG-LEK
- Statistics lab 1.0 2.5.E-STATLAB1
- Stereotypes and prejudices 2.5-STEREO
- Stereotypes and prejudices 2.5-STEREO-K
- Stereotypes and prejudices 2.5.E-STEREO
- Stereotypes and prejudices 2.5-STEREO-Z
- Stress and coping with stress 2.5-STRESR
- Stress and coping with stress 2.5-STRESR-Z
- Stress and emotions at work 2.5-STRESPR
- Stress and emotions at work 2.5-STRESPR-Z
- Suicidology 2.5-W-MON-100
- Teaching practice 1 2.5-MN-PR-01
- Teaching practice 1 2.5-MN-PR-01-Z
- The methodology of conducting trainings 2.5-METODTR
- The methodology of conducting trainings 2.5-METODTR-Z
- The psychology of health in various contexts 2.5-PSZDR-KONT
- The psychology of health in various contexts 2.5-PSZDR-KONT-Z
- The untold stories of psychology 2.5-W-MON-98-Z
- The untold stories of psychology 2.5-KZK023
- The use of cognitive maps in psychological research 2.5-WFAK88-Z
- Tools and methods in work and organisational psychology 2.5-METNARZPR
- Tools and methods in work and organisational psychology 2.5-METNARZPR-Z
- Tools for conducting trainings and workshops 2.5-NARZSZK
- Tools for conducting trainings and workshops 2.5-NARZSZK-Z
- Training in intellectual property protection 2.5-INT
- Training in intellectual property protection 2.5-INT-Z
- Training in library use 2.5-BIBL
- Training in library use 2.5-BIBL-Z
- Training in solving social problems 2.5-TRENING-Z